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Softline equipped a multimedia conference room for the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant

Customers: Taganrog Metallurgical Plant, TMK

Contractors: Softline
Product: Audiovisual systems (projects)

Project date: 2023/04  - 2023/10

2023: Multimedia Conference Room Equipment

Softline Group of Companies (PJSC Softline has equipped a multimedia conference room for the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant (TAGMET) in the Priazovye hotel complex. The project corresponds to the strategy of Softline Group of Companies for the supply and implementation of solutions for digital business transformation. The Softline team implemented design, installation, commissioning and user training.

Taganrog Metallurgical Plant is one of the largest pipe enterprises in Russia. The company conducts corporate events in the factory hotel and sanatorium complex "Priazovye." The conference room of the complex was equipped with equipment that over time ceased to satisfy the customer, since it did not fit the new technical requirements.

Together with the Softline team, the customer formulated the requirements for the new room. The equipment included in the complex was to include a microphone system, as well as systems for displaying video content, voicing the conference room and managing the multimedia complex. It was also necessary to provide for the possibility of increasing functionality in the future and to ensure ease of management.

Having identified the tasks, the Softline team designed a future system and selected multi-tender equipment. It included a central display system, video cameras, congress system, interactive screen, audio and video switching systems, sound amplification and hall control systems.

In addition to selecting the hardware, the Softline team was also faced with the task of developing a software component. Customer employees had to be able to manage the system using a single interface. At the same time, the complex is designed for conferences, negotiations, presentations and training, and depending on the format, the set of equipment involved differs. Therefore, in order to adapt the control process, Softline technicians have developed different configurations for individual control scenarios.

Upon completion of the selection, Softline specialists delivered the equipment to the Priazovye hotel complex, mounted it and commissioned it. The Softline team also organized training in the use of the system so that customer employees can independently manage the equipment without using additional resources.

The multimedia conference room was opened in October 2023. As of June 2024, Softline specialists provide technical support services for the complex.

As part of this project, we have selected equipment from more than 10 vendors for the customer. Our team not only established the operation of devices among themselves, but also specially developed the software part of the complex for individual tasks. Now the conference room is equipped with a software and hardware complex that meets modern technical standards. In the future, if necessary, we can expand the functionality of the complex for the customer without disrupting its performance, so that the relevance of the solution will remain for many years, - commented Victoria Andreeva, head of the sales department with large corporate clients of Softline Group of Companies.

TAGMET regularly acts as a venue for factory, corporate and city events. It is important for us to provide a high level of technical support for our guests, so we implemented a project that made it possible to bring the organization of such meetings to a fundamentally new level. Thanks to the new multifunctional equipment, we have the opportunity to host large-scale business events with a multimedia component and ensure the comfort of the participants. Professional cameras and LCD panels provide high quality of the materials on display, including during video conferences, and smart audio systems help to build effective communication between those present and the speaker, "said Borislav Shevyrev, head of the TAGMET information technology department.