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Inferit: FinOps Cloud Cost Management Platform

Developers: Inferit
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/06/27
Technology: IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

2024: FinOps Consulting Launch

On June 27, 2024, the Russian vendor Inferit (Softline Group of Companies) announced the launch of FinOps consulting from the Inferit Claudmaster team. The service will help organizations optimize cloud infrastructure costs and optimize cloud utilization efficiency. The expansion of the Inferit line of cloud solutions reflects the vendor's expertise in the construction, management and optimization of public and hybrid clouds. The development of this area contributes to the implementation of Softline Group of companies strategy to expand the portfolio of its own IT services and cloud services, as well as strengthen the Group's position in the segment of developing innovative IT solutions for the Russian market.

According to the company, the Inferit vendor provides customers with a full range of solutions - from hardware infrastructure and software to cloud services and information security tools - to solve import substitution problems, build a sovereign reliable infrastructure, optimize IT costs and optimize the efficiency of business processes. Cloud spending management services (FinOps consulting) organically complement the Inferit line of cloud products and reflect the vendor's expertise in building, managing and optimizing public and hybrid clouds.

As of May 2024, more than 80% of organizations use multi-cloud infrastructure. At the same time, the growth of cloud costs often outstrips business growth. The main problems of managing cloud costs are the lack of transparency of expenses, the laborious analysis of billing from several providers and the need to quickly optimize the infrastructure without compromising the quality of services.

Inferit Claudmaster is expanding its product portfolio, which includes a FinOps cloud cost management platform, to provide customers with expertise and tools to effectively manage infrastructure spending based on the FinOps (Cloud Financial Management) methodology.

For June 2024, each company is committed to optimizing digital transformation and leveraging cloud capabilities. At the same time, growing cloud bills are becoming a headache for executives.

noted Maxim Manturov, Director of Cloud Products "Inferit"

"Inferit Claudmaster" offers the following services:


Experts will conduct interviews with representatives of IT, finance and business departments that are responsible for cloud strategy, budgets and cloud use. The processes of planning, purchasing, distribution and optimization of cloud resources, methods of accounting and analysis of expenses will be analyzed. Such a cut will assess the level of maturity of FinOps practices in the company and identify areas for change. As a result, the client will receive a detailed report with the results of the assessment and practical recommendations for the implementation of missing practices and processes.

Set up multi-cloud reporting

Reporting is the foundation of effective FinOps, as it is impossible to manage what is not measured. Inferit Claudmaster specialists will take on the task of building and configuring multi-cloud reporting taking into account the needs of various roles - from dashboards for top managers and product owners to technical slices for DevOps and FinOps engineers. The presence of a single "source of truth" for cloud spending in the organization is the first step towards sound decisions and predictability of costs.

Cloud and Private Infrastructure Optimization Guidelines

If the company wants to conduct a one-time analysis of its infrastructure for savings potential, Inferit Claudmaster is ready to help. Experts will conduct an inventory of all resources, assess their disposal, compliance with types and sizes resources to real needs, availability of unused components. Based on the results, a detailed report will be prepared, which will clearly demonstrate how much you can reduce costs and what exactly needs to be done to optimize.

The FinOps approach reduces cloud costs by 10-30% by eliminating inefficient resources and applying cloud configuration practices. Companies that have implemented FinOps, on average, reduce the labor cost of managing the cloud by 50-70%, while gaining access to the data necessary for sound decisions.

Inferit Claudmaster's multi-cloud infrastructure management platform helps customers optimize cloud consumption efficiency. The platform automatically collects data, compiles detailed reporting on the clouds, gives recommendations for optimization, allows you to control costs and resources used, includes tools for allocating costs. "Inferit Claudmaster" helps to optimize the processes of ordering and issuing resources, to ensure their optimal distribution by departments. The knowledge and competencies gained by specialists during the development and implementation of the platform will be actively used by specialists to further develop the FinOps consulting methodology and services.

Clouds have already proven their value to optimize innovation and business continuity. The next step is to build mature cloud resource management, where costs are fully transparent and business-driven and decisions are made based on data. FinOps is not just a tool to optimize costs, but also a catalyst for qualitative change in the IT and business partnership.

summed up Maxim Manturov