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Technoavia (Novo Forecast Enterprise)

Customers: Technoavia

Moscow; Light industry

Contractors: Novo BI (Novo Biay)
Product: Novo Forecast Enterprise

Project date: 2021/01  - 2021/12

2021: Implementation of Novo Forecast Enterprise

Technoavia"" - Russian a manufacturer of overalls since 1992. The company develops and produces overalls and protective clothing footwear , taking into account the specifics of each profession in different: industries industries metallurgical, mining and processing, ENERGY INDUSTRY machine-building complex, etc. agro-industrial complex In addition, Technoavia also acts as a supplier of personal protective equipment for the best world and domestic manufacturers (more than 1,300 items).

"Technoavia" in numbers:

Every year, garment factories produce more than 7 million products per year, shoe factories - more than 1.5 million pairs. This is a complex technological process that begins with understanding the needs of customers, careful planning and quality control at all stages.

A business such as the production of workwear has a number of features that affect the planning process:

  1. A large number of one-time large shipments, both by tender procedures and without them;
  2. Large number of SKUs and up to 30 sizes by article;
  3. Availability of special orders: there is a need to produce different models for each range of shoes and clothes for different customers;
  4. Pronounced seasonality of demand for most goods and production restrictions. So, for example, the production of winter goods cannot begin in August, but starts in about a year.
  5. Outsourcing, namely the provision of services to the end customer for accounting, storage, issuance and maintenance of overalls and personal protective equipment.

The company adopted the practice of creating separate calculations and forecasts for production, procurement, analysts, sales, and planning was carried out in excel. There was no single database: the nomenclature could differ by branch, the sizes, articles and item names did not match. The available expense and sales statistics stored in your company's 1C system could not be used to generate forecasts. At the same time, the company had resource restrictions: in order to manually forecast such a number of SKUs, it was necessary to attract a large staff of specialists. At the same time, the assortment and sales grew multiples, which means that the process had to be controlled. Taking into account these factors, Technoavia decided to automate the planning and implementation of specialized software that meets all the necessary characteristics - Novo Forecast Enterprise.

Implementation results:

  1. A single database has been formed and their consolidation has been configured: unified directories have appeared, classifiers have been developed.
  2. The procurement process is automated and standardized - now 100% of purchases are carried out through a single system, the process has become transparent and managed
  3. The accuracy of forecasts in the context of the year has increased: in terms of workwear produced - up to 88%, in terms of footwear produced - up to 92%.
  4. Set up to unload forecasts through the "outsourcing" channel for two years in advance
  5. There is an opportunity to plan the procurement budget for 18 months in advance.