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"First Bit" automated the activities of "RauanNTech"

Customers: RauanNTech

Chemical industry

Contractors: First Bit
Product: 1C: Salary and Human Resources 8

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/06

2024: Transition to 1C accounting systems

The First Bit company has updated the IT circuit of RauanNTech LLP, a manufacturer of chemicals for the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan. This "First Bit" reported on July 1, 2024.

A single information space has been created for the client, in which several accounts are maintained at once: accounting, tax, personnel, production and management. Earlier, the company used different automated systems for accounting and personnel accounting - Western and Kazakh software, respectively. These systems were not synchronized with each other, and the company kept management and financial records in Excel.

Solutions on the platform were chosen as the basis for a unified information system: 1C"1C: Salary and Human Resources for Kazakhstan" ed. 3.1, "" 1C: Accounting for Kazakhstan ed. 3.0 and the module "." BIT.FINANS Additionally, it was set integration up between these, databases providing an operational exchange for information correct accounting.

The peculiarity of the project is that 90% of the customer's needs were covered with built-in functions of standard 1C solutions. The previous accounting system was highly customized and difficult to accompany, so the transition to another product provided more flexible configuration and facilitated the maintenance of this system, "said Ivan Palchikov, head of the implementation department at the First Bit IT integrator.

An additional 10% of the functionality was adapted to the specifics of the business processes of RauanNTech. In particular, the First Bit team developed the Planning for Upcoming Downloads report for analyzing contracts with counterparties, introduced functionality for retaining indirect revenues and several unique printed forms.

The introduction of the BIT.FINANS module made it possible to expand the functionality of the system and gave the company convenient tools for managing financial flows. The Treasury subsystem was launched to register applications for payment and form a register of payments. The Contract Accounting subsystem has been implemented, which allows you to organize information about concluded agreements and contracts, as well as upload contracts with automatic data binding in pdf format. The Purchasing subsystem is used to register user demand requests and control purchases in the company.

Also, within the framework of the BIT.FINANS module, a mobile application was deployed that provides convenient access to the accounting system. Decision-makers can now negotiate cash requests in real time, regardless of their location. This greatly optimizes the process of approving applications and ensures faster decision-making.

The transition to an account system on the 1C platform took only seven months. Now all types of accounting are maintained in a single space integrated with the IE ESF. More than 20 employees of RauanNTech are trained and fully work in the system.