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Satellite and SAFU: ArcticSat Satellite

Developers: Satellite (Satellite Innovative Space Systems), Northern (Arctic) Federal University (SAFU)
Branches: Space industry
Technology: Satellite Communications and Navigation

Main article: Space satellites of countries of the world

2024: The creation of the spacecraft

SPUTPS has created a spacecraft for the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Sputnik announced this on July 17, 2024.

Satellite to study space the impact of weather on spacecraft systems, it is planned to launch into orbit at the end of 2024.

Scientists and students of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University will develop a payload that will be placed on board the spacecraft.

The goal of the project is to conduct a study of the impact of space weather factors on satellite systems in the circumpolar regions, as well as learn how to receive and process data on the movement of ships in the waters of the Northern Sea Route. To do this, scientists and students integrate the DeCoR-2 space radiation detector, designed to record X-ray photons, gamma quanta and electrons, an automatic identification system (AIS) signal receiver for obtaining information on the location and characteristics of sea vessels, as well as a viewing camera with a spatial resolution of 250 meters/pixel.

The ArcticSat SAFU satellite will carry on board a payload designed to study space weather in the circumpolar regions of the planet, as well as equipment for identifying ships in the Northern Sea Route, - said Roman Aleshko at the Space Monitoring Center. - Thus, the space mission will solve not only research, but also practical tasks relevant for the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

Space environment factors have a significant impact on the functioning of small satellites and can cause degradation of materials, the occurrence of volumetric electric charge on board, malfunctions in electronics, and disruption of satellite communication with the ground station.

The results of this project are of interest to us and other participants in the space industry in terms of their practical significance, and in the future they may allow us to increase the active existence of small satellites in orbit, improve the quality of communication systems, "said Vladislav Ivanenko, General Director of SPUTPS.

In addition, along with the payload, an art object in the form of an octopus of Russian artist Nastya Miro will be placed on board the SAFU satellite as part of the Oktonavtika project, designed to draw public attention to the problem of clogging outer space.