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Northern (Arctic) Federal University (SAFU)



The Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov was created in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2009.


2023: Agreement on the digitalization of the Northern Sea Route

Softline On December 11, 2023, the Group of Companies (PJSC Softline) announced the start of cooperation between LLC "" and Softline Arctic the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (SAFU). The parties plan to create a joint working group for the development and implementation of projects within the framework of digitalization. Northern Sea Route Cooperation between Softline Arctic and SAFU will be implemented for research, scientifically technical educational and purposes. The joint activities of the partners will contribute to the development of the Northern Sea Route through the creation of engineering infrastructure and digitalization of Arkhangelsky transport the node.

SAFU named after M.V. Lomonosov is a university located on land. Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation On the basis of the university there is a world-class scientific and educational center that unites and, Arkhangelskaya Murmansk region as well. By Nenets Autonomous Okrug decree Governments of the Russian Federation , the university is responsible for the implementation of the project "Digital solutions for a typical model of the Arctic port (with testing in the Arkhangelsk seaport trade)."

Softline Group of Companies has been cooperating with universities countries in various directions for many years. We are proud that Softline Arctic began its activities with cooperation with the Northern (Arctic) Federal University in the digitalization of the Northern Sea Route. We are pleased to offer our expertise in the implementation of such a large-scale project of national importance, designed to increase the level of economic connectivity of the country's territory. The Softline group of companies has a wide range of independent program and, hardware including its own production, many services, as well as a variety of custom development and technical support services. We are confident that the synergy of forces and states formations business will contribute to the development of not only the northern transport artery, but also the entire region, - commented, Vladimir Lavrov General Director of Softline Group of Companies.


Areas of activity of the university

The activities of C (A) FU as of May 2011 fall into six main groups. These are:

  • high-tech and science-intensive industries and industries related to the Arctic;
  • development of the infrastructure of the North-Arctic region;
  • integrated use of bioresources;
  • northern polar medicine;
  • environmental protection and conservation;
  • socio-humanitarian sphere of the European North and the Arctic.

Opening of the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment "Arctic"

In May 2011, with the participation of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin, the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment "Arctic" was opened on the basis of SAFU - a real object of pride of the university. The research complex created in Arkhangelsk, in terms of technical equipment, is not inferior to the leading research centers of the USA and Japan, allows you to study and control geophysical and environmental processes in the Arctic and Arctic regions.

The priority tasks of the Center include the study of geophysical and environmental processes occurring in the Arctic and near-Arctic regions. 11 laboratories collect dozens of names of the most modern, multifunctional equipment from the world's leading manufacturers: Bruker, Shimadzu, Dionex, Carl Zeiss, Horiba, Analytik Jena, Agilent. The price of such equipment is several hundred million rubles, which were sought in stages (in 2010 - 250 million rubles, in 2011 - 150 million rubles). In the next five years, 1 billion rubles have been allocated for its equipment - this is how much modern analytical equipment is estimated.

In order to obtain the results of analyzes, scientists in Arkhangelsk no longer need to send samples of materials to Moscow or St. Petersburg. Research can be carried out at the Arctic Central Control Center, which significantly reduces the cost of experiments and time costs.

Located in the north-west of the Arkhangelsk region, the Plesetsk cosmodrome has identified one of the most important areas in the work of the scientific complex - environmental monitoring, control and monitoring of pollution of territories with rocket fuel.

In addition to environmental monitoring, the center can conduct fundamental research in the fields of nanotechnology, physical chemistry, chemistry of natural compounds, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physics of dispersed systems, chemistry and physics of materials and nanomaterials, pharmacology. "Here it is possible to solve any problems related to fundamental and applied research, which should determine a powerful breakthrough for the regional economy," said Konstantin Bogolitsyn, scientific director of the Arctika Central Control Center, vice-rector for scientific work at SAFU.


Opening of the Arctic Space Monitoring Center

Another scientific stronghold of the university is the Arctic Space Monitoring Center, which opened in November 2010. From that moment in Arkhangelsk, direct reception of satellite data from various devices was established: Terra/Aqua, EROS B, RADARSAT, SPOT.

The center operates on the basis of the domestic technology for receiving and processing images of the Earth from space "UniScan-36" (developed by the Engineering and Technological Center "SCANEX"). UniScan-36 station conducts a survey within a radius of 3500 km. As of June 2011, SAFU is the only university in Russia using a station with the farthest radius of the viewing area - 3.5 km. The rest of the scientific centers conduct a survey from the UniScan-24 station within a radius of 2500 km.

The capabilities of the Center allow almost in real time to control the ice situation in the waters, organize the optimization of ship traffic, as well as monitor the state of forests, identify fires and areas of illegal deforestation. For a region with 28 forestries, the forest monitoring system is a necessary one. "The center receives up-to-date information about the state of the ice and about a possible way around the difficult section," said Sergei Koposov, director of the Central Commercial Commission.

"We position SAFU as an intellectual center where favorable conditions should be created for the work of leading Russian and foreign researchers on joint educational and scientific projects - of course, in the interests of our state," said Elena Kudryashova. The scientific and technical support of the Russian North allows us to hope that Russia will maintain its Arctic borders along with the richest energy reserves, which will later be able to very conveniently serve as a resource base. Not only Russian scientists, but also diplomats have to sweat over this task.

Education C (A) FU

According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2010, S (A) FU was formed on the basis of the Arkhangelsk State Technical University with the subsequent accession of state higher and secondary special educational institutions. Some time later, the Pomeranian State University, the Arkhangelsk Forestry Technical College and the Severodvinsk Technical College became part of C (A) FU.

The goals and objectives of C (A) FU are reflected in the university development program until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation on October 7, 2010.

The strategic goal of S (A) FU is to provide innovative scientific and personnel support for the protection of Russia's geopolitical and economic interests in the North Arctic region (ATS) by creating a system of continuing professional education, integrating education, science and production, and strategic partnership with the business community.

Prerequisites for the creation of a university

Scientific observations of the Arctic are carried out by the research center of the network University of the Arctic, which includes more than 100 universities in the countries of the Arctic region. Until recently, Russia was poorly represented in it. Educational programs are created in the United States, the central office is located in Finland, and a Norwegian has been appointed president of the University.

The mission to provide innovative scientific and personnel support to the North, strengthen the protection of geopolitical and economic interests Russia in the North Arctic region (SAR) was undertaken by S (A) FU.