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Business in Russia

Main article: Mol Rus


2024: Ukraine stops the transit of Lukoil oil to the company's refineries in Slovakia and Hungary

The Slovak operator Transpetrol stopped receiving Russian oil in July 2024, and energy supplies through the Druzhba oil pipeline stopped. But only those produced by Lukoil. It was she who was included by the Ukrainians in the sanctions list. At the same time, oil from other Russian exporters enters Slovakia without interruptions and according to the schedule.

LUKOIL was supplied under a contract with the Hungarian company MOL, according to which by 2025 it was supposed to receive about 4 million tons of oil per year. Energy resources were intended for the two largest refineries in Hungary and Slovakia owned by MOL.

As for Hungary, it suffered little: the amount of LUKOIL's resources at its enterprises is insignificant. Deliveries through the Druzhba oil pipeline to the Czech Republic also continue.

But most of the imports of the Slovak refinery Slovnaft, operating on Russian fuel, were accounted for by LUKOIL products. According to experts, restricting transit will lead to the fact that in July Slovakia will lose 50% of the planned resources. In the long term, this could seriously affect the operation of the Slovnaft refinery.