Developers: | 1C-Rarus |
Date of the premiere of the system: | December, 2010 |
Branches: | Trade |
Technology: | Accounting systems |
"1C: Retail 8. The bookstore for Ukraine" is intended for business process automation of retail outlets (shops) focused on sale book and periodicals. This system allows to automate accounting of trade inventories in warehouses of shops, the cash accounting in cash desks of the organizations, accounting of the goods transferred to the delivery service, and accounting of acceptance and distribution of editions on a subscription.
Main functionality of the program:
- Accounting:
- printing editions using their main details: ISBN, number on UDC, the list of authors, publishing house, frequency, etc. Additional details can be used when forming printed forms of documents, reports and also for use of these details at printing of labels and price labels.
- periodicals, with conducting numbering within a year. In information base each specific issue of the edition is presented in the form of separate characteristic of the nomenclature. The mechanism of package creation of characteristics for a certain period is implemented.
- technical obsolenscence of goods (books, periodicals and so forth). The mechanism of purpose of wholesale and retail discounts to outdated goods and also additional service for filling of documents with obsolete goods is implemented.
- goods in delivery, including on a subscription. Work through courier service of delivery or mail is provided. The possibility of the analysis of the goods which are in delivery is implemented.
- Work with subscriptions. This mechanism implements a possibility of receiving and delivery of subscriptions and also control of needs for subscription editions. The analytical reporting allows to obtain summary information on the planned issues of subscriptions, on a remaining balance in warehouses and about the subscriptions which are already transferred to the delivery service. The possibility of acceptance and issue of subscriptions in the RMK mode is implemented.