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Mosoblbank automated interaction with the Social Fund of Russia with the support of Diasoft

Customers: Moscow regional bank

Moscow; Financial services, investments and auditing

Contractors: Diasoft
Product: Diasoft Digital Q.HR

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/06

2024: Automation of interaction with the system of the Social Fund of Russia

Mosoblbank and Diasoft completed a project to automate information interaction with the Social Fund of Russia (EMF) system "Social Electronic Document Management" (EDM). Diasoft announced this on July 30, 2024. To automate the sending and receipt of electronic documents of legal importance, the Personnel Accounting product was selected as part of the Digital Q.HR development platform from Diasoft through a direct connection to the EDMS. Automation of information interaction with the EME allows you to proactively assign and pay social benefits to bank employees .

During the project, the following business processes were automated:

  • Receiving and sending messages within the framework of EDMS;
  • Generation of content part of messages for subsequent sending;
  • Retrieving the contents of the messages for later use in the application software;
  • Sending information about insured persons for registration in the social document management system;
  • Receiving response messages about the result of registration of insured persons;
  • Uploading to the "Personnel Accounting" product ELN details received in XML format from the Sosstrakh EIIS service;
  • Informing the insured of the EME about the life events of the insured person affecting the purpose and amount of benefits;
  • Processing of EME requests for missing information for proactive assignment of benefits;
  • Notification to the EMS of early termination of parental leave;
  • Exchange messages between the insured and the EME.

Automation of document processing within the framework of social document management allows us to transfer benefits to the most unprotected segments of the population in a timely manner, which is especially important in difficult times, "said Svetlana Berdnikova, Head of the Department for the Development of Internal Banking Systems of the Information Technology Department of MOSOBLBANK JSC.

The software product for automating interaction with the EME system "Social Electronic Document Management" has mature functionality: a number of banks actively use it on a daily basis, assign and list benefits to their employees. We are glad that Mosoblbank also made a choice in favor of our IT solution, - said Alexey Kudryashov, head of the Personnel Accounting product.

Mosoblbank and Diasoft plan to continue cooperation in the field of automation of the bank's business processes.