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Health 360



2024: Inclusion in the founders of the network of clinics "Be Zdorov"

The network of clinics "Be Zdorov" became part of the founders of the Autonomous non-profit organization to promote the protection and promotion of the health of the working population "Health 360," aimed at developing initiatives to preserve the health of employees of enterprises. The clinic announced this on July 29, 2024.

The decision to include the company in the founders of the organization was made following an expanded meeting of the founders of ANO "Health 360," which took place on July 23, 2024. The event was attended by the general director of the network of clinics "Be Zdorov" Rodion Sergeevich Stupin.

ANO "Health 360" was established in 2021 at the initiative of the Working Group on the Protection of the Health of the Working Population. This is an organization that implements the strategic goals of sustainable development for the protection and promotion of the health of the working population into the practice of the employer. ANO "Health 360" is designed to combine strategic goals and practical tasks into a single ecosystem to preserve the health of workers. ANO "Health 360" pays priority attention to the popularization of the industrial medicine system among employers and motivation for its implementation at enterprises.

Among the priority tasks of the organization are participation in the development of legislative initiatives in the field of protecting the health of the working population, the implementation of a set of measures to stimulate employers to preserve the health of workers and actively involve the population in healthy lifestyle programs, the creation of a unified digital system to improve the working conditions of workers and strengthen the health of the working population.

The network of clinics "Be Zdorov" is aimed at promoting initiatives to develop the direction of industrial medicine - both in the cities of the network's presence and in other regions. In the near future, the network, in partnership with Russian industrial companies, plans to launch clinics focused primarily on medical care for employees of partner enterprises.

Industrial medicine is not only a promising segment for us as a key player in the medical market, but also an opportunity to promote initiatives to preserve the health of the working population. People are a key resource and the main value of any company. Industrial medicine contributes to the creation of a single information circuit for doctors and patients, where the medical records of employees contain information on the results of medical examinations and studies, pre-trip examinations. All this allows you to more effectively manage the health of the team, make high-quality medical care as accessible as possible for a wide range of patients, regardless of where they live, "said Rodion Stupin, general director of the Be Healthy clinic network.

The priority goal of industrial medicine is to develop initiatives aimed at the primary prevention of morbidity among personnel as part of a preventive approach that combines prevention and early detection of diseases, their comprehensive treatment. All this is aimed at preserving the activity, health and high quality of life of a person for many years, preventing acute and life-threatening conditions.

Our main goal is to make the medical services of enterprises strong, and all areas of activity, to endow them with leading industry and corporate practices for managing this activity, to introduce health management of the organization's employees into the culture of the enterprise, "said Igor Kukushkin, General Director of ANO" Health 360. "

As Igor Grigorievich noted, the topic of promoting the protection and promotion of the health of the working population is becoming the most significant in issues of sustainability and affects many aspects of the personnel and social work of each large employer in the territories of presence. ANO "Health 360" is a representative in the field of standardization of occupational safety and health management systems, which are interconnected with key areas of sustainable development: ecology, safety, labor protection, infrastructure, IT. The organization has the necessary competencies and wide connections in the professional community and legislative and executive bodies.