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Cruz has prepared for the planned implementation of WMS

Customers: Cruz

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: Axelot
Product: Axelot Logistics Consulting

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Preparations for the planned implementation of WMS

On July 31, 2024, AXELOT announced that thanks to the recommendations of AXELOT experts, CRUZ has prepared for the planned implementation of WMS and will be able to optimize the efficiency of the warehouse.

As reported, LLC "CRUZ" (DESAN) is a player in the market of wholesale sales canned products under the trademarks "Tomato" and "6 acres." Russia Vladivostok Kaliningrad For July 2024, the company's goods are presented on the shelves of all cities from to, and the processing and conservation of selected vegetables are produced in accordance with strict canning standards.

Modernization logistics is a priority for CRUZ. Management decided to automate its warehouse complex in, Zelenograd but before that it turned to AXELOT for the service of preparing the warehouse for the implementation of WMS. The purpose of the project was to develop and adapt technological processes for the operation of the warehouse in WMS with the obligatory consideration of PPE. With the current state and level of automation of warehouse logistics, the company "KRUZ" cannot keep records of PPE and comply with the requirements of the regulator.

The warehouse operates using paper technology based on tasks from the corporate information system. This affects the accuracy and speed of operations by employees: the warehouse depends on the "expertise" of experienced personnel, and new people pour into the workflow for a long time. Storage is organized not in a single warehouse, but in six separate ones, which is due to the design features of the building and the nuances of the contract with the landlord.

AXELOT carried out a complete inspection of the warehouse complex and determined how to configure the WMS system taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the customer's warehouse, how to go through the processes of acceptance, selection and shipment of goods in accordance with the identification requirements.

Thus, the optimal cargo processing technology was determined, which takes into account the planned automation and implementation of work with PPE. The main and additional warehouse equipment was calculated, which will be needed to implement WMS and work with labeled products. Calculations of the required number of personnel were performed. Also, AXELOT experts have determined the total costs of the client for the modernization of the warehouse complex, which take into account capital costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment and equipment and annual operating costs.

Within the framework of the project, flow diagrams of algorithms for the execution of warehouse processes, as well as functional boundaries for the use of WMS, have been developed. The warehouse business processes adapted for future automation have been verified by colleagues from AXELOT SOFT who will implement WMS at CRUZ.

Particular attention was paid to the development of various scenarios of cargo processing technology. Several different options for organizing the acceptance process were considered and worked out, depending on the method of transmitting information about marked products from supplier to customer.

One option is "direct acceptance," which can be applied when the vendor of an item in a purchase order sends the PPE that was shipped from his warehouse. The codes will be scanned at the CRUS warehouse during the acceptance to confirm the planned quantity and inventory of the delivery.

The second main option is "reverse acceptance" acceptance. It can be used when the supplier of the goods does not provide information about the shipped PPE and the customer's warehouse must independently identify the goods.

As a result of the project, the concept of modernization of the existing warehouse complex was formulated for the CRUZ company. The implementation of the proposed changes will allow the company to reduce the cost of warehouse cargo processing, optimize the operation of the warehouse and optimize its efficiency, including through future automation.