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Axelot Axelot


Number of employees


About the Company

AXELOT is a leader in the field of logistics management automation, the creator of the most popular automated warehouse management systems in Russia (including AXELOT WMS X5) and AXELOT TMS X4 transport logistics solutions.

AXELOT has been operating in the IT market since 1998 and is the oldest company providing warehouse and transport logistics optimization services using solutions on the 1C: Enterprise platform.

As of 2021, AXELOT has three offices: Central Office in Moscow, Resource Center in Kirov, Resource Center in Krasnoyarsk. The number of employees (as of August 2021) is 258 people.


Taking the course on the development and implementation of automated logistics management systems in 2003, today AXELOT is firmly in the leadership of this market segment. The leading position of the company, in addition to the strategically correct choice of the key area of ​ ​ activity, is due to the large-scale and intensive work that has been done over the years.

2024: AXELOT SCM-based Digital Twin improves operational efficiency

The fourth industrial revolution gave the world of business and production a new generation of information technologies, with the help of which enterprises were able to repeatedly increase the level of efficiency of their activities, to achieve maximum optimization of operational and management processes. The pinnacle of these IT developments is the increasingly popular information technologies that allow you to implement the concepts of digital twins, or Digital Twin. Learn more here.


1st place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of WMS systems in Russia"

AXELOT took 1st place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of WMS systems in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

1st place in the ranking of WMS vendors - leaders in the number of projects implemented in Russia

AXELOT took 1st place in the ranking of system vendors WMS leading by Russian market the number of implemented projects Russia in accordance with to data the database TAdviser as of October 2023. More details here.

1st place in the ranking of integrators - leaders in the number of WMS system implementations in Russia

AXELOT ranked 1st in the ranking integrators WMS of systems leading by Russian market the number of implementations Russia according to to data the base TAdviser as of October 2023. More details here.

Is an ideal WMS possible in isolation from other supply chain management tools?

The very existence of a rating of domestic warehouse management systems (WMS) is an indicator that the market in Russia is quite ripe for healthy competition that contributes to the development of solutions and the formation of trends. AXELOT in addition to the familiar AXELOT WMS offers a system for automating simple warehouses (AXELOT WOS) and for automating container terminals (AXELOT TOS). With traditional solutions, AXELOT WCS can be used, a system developed on.NET Core, designed to control and interact with robotic and other complex technological equipment. Read more here.


1st place in the ranking "Largest suppliers of warehouse management systems (WMS) in Russia"

AXELOT took 1st place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of WMS projects for 2022 in Russia and published in November 2023. More details here.

Compatibility of all solutions with Postgres Pro

All software solutions developed by AXELOT have been certified and officially confirmed to work with Postgres Pro. Axelot announced this on May 11, 2022. Read more here.

1998-2021: Key dates in the company's history

1998 - The year AXELOT was established

2003 - Logistics Automation Becomes a Priority

2004 - Created "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management"

2005 - Created "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 2"

2007 - Created "1C-Logistics: Transportation Management"

2008 - Created "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3"

2012 - Established "1C:Enterprise 8. WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management "

- Created "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management "

2015 - Established "AXELOT: TMS Transport and Transportation Management"

2016 - A service model for implementing AXELOT WMS and TMS solutions has been proposed.

2018 - The AXELOT logistics platform is presented - a single logistics contour of the enterprise.

- Created "AXELOT WMS X5"

- Created "AXELOT TOS Container and Port Terminal Management"

2019 - AXELOT unveils AXELOT Mobile Platform

2020 - A new business area has begun work - AXELOT TECH, a company engaged in the supply of equipment and equipment for the warehouse, as well as the supply of solutions for the generation of electric and thermal energy.

2021 - The first official AXELOT partner in Europe for the sale and implementation of the AXELOT WMS X5 system has begun work. STAXELOT Ltd. is a joint venture between STAMH and AXELOT based in Bulgaria. The territory of STAXELOT is all countries of Eastern Europe.

- A new business area has begun work - AXELOT CONSULT, which provides consulting services for the development of complex and system solutions to logistics problems.

- Created "AXELOT WMS Ye5"

Base preparation

For all the prospects of the chosen direction, the company initially took a certain risk, the reason for which was the actual absence of logistics specialists in the labor market. The first professional logicians left Russian universities only in 2004; the domestic scientific base associated with logistics at that time could be called rather weak. AXELOT decided to independently raise personnel to automate logistics from experienced consultants and programmers of the company. The main source of specialized knowledge was Western experience, drawn from specialized publications. All available literary sources on the topic were carefully investigated , the best professional publications were searched and translated. As a result, they coped with the task successfully: in a relatively short time, AXELOT has formed a backbone of specialists who are passionate about logistics and are well versed in the intricacies of its automation.

Developing Warehouse Automation Solutions

The first step towards leadership was the creation of the 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management system, on the basis of which the warehouses of several trading and production enterprises were automated. The implementations showed how to develop an automated warehouse management system, and literally a year later its second version was released.

"1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management," rev.2.0 had noticeably more functionality. In addition to the main supply, modules for connecting collection radio terminals data and for calculating responsible storage services were developed and offered to the market. As the flagship product of AXELOT "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management," rev.2.0 existed on the market for about three years. All this time, active implementations were carried out and the next version of the system was developed in parallel.

"1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3" was released in January 2008. The new product, in addition to the functionality inevitably expanding from version to version, was distinguished by increased performance and the ability to withstand serious loads. So, it is worth noting that supporting the simultaneous operation of more than a hundred users for the new version of WMS was a "passing" task.

It was 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3 that made AXELOT the leader in the Russian market in terms of the number of WMS solutions implemented. Despite the appearance of another WMS system in the AXELOT portfolio, warehouse logistics automation projects based on the third edition are still ongoing.

Released in 2012 WMS-system "1C:Enterprise 8. WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management is a completely new solution that is not a continuation of 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3. Designed for large, high-intensity warehouses, this parametrically configurable system helps AXELOT respond to a wide range of customers.

In 2018 , AXELOT WMS X5 is released - the fifth generation of the warehouse management system developed by AXELOT. AXELOT WMS X5 fully complies with the international standard VDI 3601 (Warehouse Management Systems).

In 2021 , AXELOT WMS E5 is released - a solution on the.Net Core technology platform, expanding the range of WMS solutions offered by AXELOT to automate modern warehouse complexes. AXELOT WMS E5 product has a pronounced focus on storage facilities, which have a high degree of robotization of processes and intensity of operations. The product also supports "manual" processes performed with the participation of people.

Transport Logistics Automation Solutions

Together with WMS systems, AXELOT develops and implements automated transportation logistics management systems. The solution "1C-Logistics: Transportation Management" was created in 2008, in 2012 its updated version "1C:TMS Logistics. Transportation Management, "and in 2015 AXELOT introduced a new product-" AXELOT: TMS Transportation and Transportation Management. "

In 2018, AXELOT launches AXELOT TMS X4 , a next-generation TMS system for comprehensive automation of transport and transportation management processes.

Also in 2018, AXELOT launched another specialized solution: AXELOT TOS Container and Port Terminal Management - a software solution designed to automate the management of all cargo, transport and equipment operations on the territory of port and container terminals.


AXELOT has many years of experience in optimizing warehouse and transport logistics processes and provides the full range of services in this area:

  • Warehouse Management Automation
  • Transport logistics automation
  • Logistics Consulting
  • Support and Support
  • Technologies and equipment
  • Automate Container or Port Terminal Management

The high quality of AXELOT's work has already been appreciated by companies in Russia, the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. Vast experience and expertise allow us to confidently carry out projects of even the highest complexity.

The company operates a specialized division - the Innovation Center, within the framework of which the targeted development of new software solutions for automating logistics and other business processes of enterprises is carried out. The company's specialists performing implementation projects also take part in the development of automated systems and the preparation of new releases, which allows us to talk about their thorough knowledge of all the current capabilities of AXELOT WMS solutions, AXELOT TMS and AXELOT TOS systems. This approach allows you to take into account customer requests and make our solutions as close as possible to real business problems.

On account of AXELOT - hundreds of successfully completed projects in more than 100 cities of Russia, the CIS countries Ukraine(,, Kazakhstan Azerbaijan) and non-CIS countries USA China(,,,,). Italy Finland Bulgaria

All design work is carried out in accordance with the international standard of quality management ISO 9001:2015. The company has been ISO certified since 2001.

AXELOT Ecosystem

AXELOT has extensive automation experience, the company's experts know and see the places in logistics that give the business a competitive advantage. That is why AXELOT Group of Companies (AXELOT, AXELOT-TECH, AXELOT CONSULT) offers specialized solutions that give customers the opportunity to effectively develop logistics and business in general - logistics consulting, warehouse equipment and equipment, advanced IT solutions. This set of services was called the AXELOT Ecosystem.

What are the benefits of the AXELOT Ecosystem?

  • Unified corporate culture and methodology.
  • Single service standard across all channels.
  • Ability to plan for the development of the IT landscape.
  • AXELOT logistics platform is the main connecting factor of IT solutions.
  • General service level.
  • It is possible to test software and hard solutions in large audiences.
  • Concept of "overlapping systems."

Specialized AXELOT solutions are always a little more than the current needs of the client, thanks to which resources are formed for development in the future: expanded functionality in systems, additional services to equipment, project support and author control within the framework of logistics consulting.

Company products

The company has developed and is developing its own products: AXELOT WMS X5, AXELOT TMS X4, AXELOT WMS E5, AXELOT TOS, AXELOT SCAP, AXELOT WCS, AXELOT Mobile Platform.

AXELOT's R&D directional (development and innovation) costs account for more than 10% of the company's total revenue.