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Axelot WMS X5

The name of the base system (platform): 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Developers: Axelot
Last Release Date: 2021/12/09
Technology: WMS,  Warehouse Automation


The main articles are:

AXELOT WMS X5 is a component of a comprehensive management platform supply chains AXELOT SCM and seamlessly interacts with other components of the platform in real time. AXELOT WMS X5 can be implemented separately or in conjunction with other components of the AXELOT SCM platform.

2024: Compatibility with Astra Linux in conjunction with the Tantor DBMS

Astra Group and AXELOT on December 20, 2024 announced the completion of health tests of the AXELOT WMS X5 system in a protected OCAstra Linux environment and in conjunction with the Tantor DBMS.

Confirmation of compatibility with Astra Linux and Tantor DBMS is another milestone in the history of AXELOT WMS, which supports the position of the solution in the market. It is important for us that our product can not only meet the needs and needs of our customers, but also fully comply with technological trends and safety standards. We repeatedly heard from our partners who used AXELOT solutions for import substitution tasks that data security was one of the key parameters for choosing a new product. Now we have official confirmation that the AXELOT WMS system in combination with the domestic Astra Linux OS and Tantor DBMS guarantees stable and safe operation in strict accordance with the requirements of regulators, "said Alexey Timashov, CEO of AXELOT.

The compatibility of AXELOT with our software products confirms the independence of the company's solutions from foreign developments, including in terms of database management. This is especially true when more and more organizations are forced to think about import substitution of software and a complete transition to domestic software, - said Kirill Sinkov, director of the department for work with technological partners of Astra Group.

2022: Quick, OK, inexpensive - when can you leave all three of them?

The solution to the problem of implementing WMS as quickly as possible and with a minimum of modifications, and preferably without them at all, largely depends on the capabilities of a particular software product in terms of parametric settings and visualization. Using the AXELOT WMS X5 example, we will analyze what advantages advanced parameterization and visualized topology can give. Read more here.

2021: Compliance with GOST R 59282-2020 "Warehouse Management Systems. Functional requirements

On December 9, 2021, AXELOT announced that the AXELOT WMS X5 system officially complies with the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 59282-2020 "Warehouse Management Systems. Functional Requirements, "which began to operate on April 1, 2021.

The task of GOST for WMS systems is to eliminate existing discrepancies once and for all, as well as establish quality standards and a list of mandatory functionality. AXELOT took a direct part in the development of the new GOST - representatives of the company were part of the Working Group, which developed a list of requirements for WMS systems with a list of the main and additional functionality of systems of this class. This document formed the basis for the development of a national quality standard for WMS systems. In addition, during the development of the new GOST, a number of its provisions were significantly supplemented based on the practical experience of AXELOT, primarily on the implementation of the AXELOT WMS X5 system.

It should be clarified that certification is not mandatory, however, for AXELOT it is necessary to pass certification in accordance with GOST R 59282-2020 Warehouse Management Systems. Functional requirements "is another opportunity to emphasize the high level of the AXELOT WMS X5 system and its compliance with the current market needs.

Certification of the software product was carried out by Radiophysical Test Technologies LLC, authorized in the International Quality Standard Voluntary Certification System.

During the certification, AXELOT not only demonstrated to the experts of the validation commission how the GOST provisions were implemented in the standard functionality of AXELOT WMS X5, but also handed them the system sources and all the necessary documentation for independent work and study. The procedure for checking the compliance of the WMS functionality with the requirements of the quality standard was carried out according to a checklist of several hundred microtests that the system successfully passed. Back in the summer of 2020, AXELOT WMS X5 was validated by experts German from the Institute of Commodity Movement logistics Fraunhofer and became one of the few Russian systems presented in the international WMS database on the platform In 2021, the system successfully passed re-validation, once again confirming the compliance of the system class with the level of the world's leading analogues.

GOST certification for WMS and the inclusion of AXELOT WMS X5 in the Fraunhofer online database indicate the high quality and competitiveness of the system not only in the domestic but also in the international market.

2019: Axelot WMS X5

AXELOT WMS X5 'is the fifth generation warehouse management system developed by AXELOT.

The AXELOT WMS X5 solution is designed on 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, is flexible for enterprise specifics and has fully open source code.

As of May 2019, AXELOT WMS X5 fully complies with the international standard VDI 3601 (Warehouse Management Systems).


  • Warehouse Topology
  • Regulatory Background
  • Warehousing in different sections
  • Handling Equipment Control
  • Incoming stream
  • Outbound flow
  • In-house processes
  • Resource and Human Resources Management
  • Yard management
  • 3PL
  • Radio terminals
  • Paper technology
  • Stationary workplaces
  • Interaction with equipment
  • Interaction with ERP and TMS
  • Analytical reporting and KPI
  • Multilingualism

AXELOT WMS X5 features according to VDI 3601

AXELOT WMS X5 differences:

  • Developed on the basis of the AXELOT X logistics platform
  • Significant development of functionality
  • Improve responsiveness
  • Visualize and understand settings
  • Unify and simplify user interfaces
  • Proactive diagnostics of the state of the system and warehouse
  • Online and offline mobile client on AXELOT mobile platform
  • Event model of real-time interaction with TMS, ERP, equipment.
  • Support for multilingual user interfaces

As part of the AXELOT X logistics platform, the AXELOT WMS X5 seamlessly integrates with the AXELOT TMS X4 transportation logistics management system to automate the entire logistics process.

There is a preferential scheme for switching from previous generation WMS products to AXELOT WMS X5.