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Alrosa AK (Primo RPA)

Customers: Alrosa AK


Contractors: Primo RPA
Product: Primo RPA

Project date: 2021/01  - 2021/12

2021: Implementation of Primo RPA

ALROSA, the largest diamond mining company, began introducing robotization technologies in 2021. The goal of the project was to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of repeating business processes. The company chose the Primo RPA platform, due to its compliance with the requirements for functionality and reliability. The robotization project covered more than 30 business processes in departments such as procurement, finance, human resources and a common service center.

Robots interact with basic and auxiliary information systems, including ERP, electronic document management system and human resources system. During the project, ALROSA's own developments were used, which made it possible to reduce the execution time of algorithms. In the first year of robotization, significant results were achieved: robots perform up to 50,000 operations daily, which made it possible to reduce the time for repeated actions, reduce the number of errors and free up the time of employees for more important tasks. The company plans to further expand robotization, including the development of new robots and integration with additional information systems.