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Parus-Electro: Inverters for solar stations

Developers: Parus-Electro
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/08/01
Branches: Electrical and Microelectronics,  Power Engineering

The main articles are:

2024: Solar inverter presentation

Thanks to the cooperation of the capital's companies, an inverter for solar stations was created, which converts energy from solar panels to voltage for power grids. The device was developed as part of import substitution. This was announced on August 1, 2024 by the Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Anatoly Garbuzov.

As of August 2024, over 130 enterprises operate in the city, which produce various electrical equipment: lighting equipment, cable fittings, batteries, electric power plants and other types of products. Enterprises develop their own technologies and present joint solutions. We note the growth of cooperation between the capital's factories, which certainly leads to an increase in production volumes in the industry. This is possible, including thanks to more than 20 current support measures for the capital's industrialists, - said Anatoly Garbuzov.

The Moscow enterprise "Parus-Electro" has created an inverter for solar power. The device - one of the key elements of the power plant - converts energy from solar panels to the voltage of the industrial power grid. The company managed to import substitution of foreign-made equipment and create equipment with an efficiency factor of 98%.

The development of the inverter has become a catalyst for the entire industry of domestic electronic components. For two years, Russian enterprises have learned to make components and components that previously had to be imported. As part of the project, we worked with dozens of industries throughout the country, our project partners received unique competencies and set new quality standards for the Russian electronics segment, "said Maxim Zhovner, CEO of the company.

Serial assembly of inverters has already been established at the Moscow plant. At the initial stage, the company will be able to manufacture more than 15 devices per month.

The device uses electronic components produced at factories in 12 regions of Russia, but Moscow enterprises played a key role.

Thus, within the framework of industrial cooperation, the scientific and technical center of the PROTON-ELECTROTEX company participated in the implementation of the project.

Our company develops and manufactures power semiconductor devices and power cells based on them. In 2023, within the framework of cooperation, the company released a power unit, which is an integral part of the solar inverter. It is built on the basis of its own technologies and acts as a "muscle" of the system. " Already in 2024, the devices as part of the inverter passed successful tests. For August 2024, we are preparing production for serial deliveries, - said Sergey Morzunov, head of the sales development department of the company.