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KazAzot (1C: Payroll and HR Management 8)

Customers: KazAzot

Chemical industry

Product: 1C: Salary and Human Resources 8

Project date: 2023/01  - 2024/02

2024: Implementation of "1C: Salary and personnel management 8|1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 for Kazakhstan"

KazAzot manages 1,300 employees of a large national enterprise in the HRM system from 1C.

In 2024, the project of separating the operations of personnel and settlement departments of a large Kazakhstani national producer and exporter of ammonia and ammonium nitrate of KazAzot JSC into a separate system "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 for Kazakhstan" was completed. WiseAdvice-IT was chosen to implement the planned modernization of the 1C infrastructure.

As part of the pre-project survey, it was decided to allocate a block of salaries and personnel into a separate HRM-system 1C of the latest version 3.1 and integrate at the first stage with the existing KazAzot systems, and then in 2025-2026 - the central master system "1C:ERP. Management of the 3.X holding "within the framework of comprehensive automation and unification of enterprise processes.

Within the framework of the project, the following works were carried out:

  • Implemented design and technical solutions with improvements in the processes Personnel accounting, Time accounting, Human resources, Integration, Migration of historical data from 1S:UPP, Normalization of data;
  • New functionality has been developed in order to adapt the system being implemented to business requirements. An automated base has been created for the further development of the corporate system of motivation and remuneration of employees. A new mechanism for the payment of remuneration to members of the Board of Directors and accounting for payments under a civil law contract was presented;
  • You have set up 25 reporting options;
  • Configuration put into pilot operation;
  • Training of users on working with the new HRM system and support during employee adaptation was carried out.

Project results:

  • Full accounting of personnel and calculation data for almost 1300 employees in one program has been implemented;
  • A unified infrastructure was created due to the integration of a new solution with configurations and a module on the 1C: Enterprise platform: the self-described system Canteen, 1S:UPP for Kazakhstan (hereinafter, the master system being implemented in parallel 1C:ERP. Management of the holding ")," 1C: Accounting for Kazakhstan, "" 1S:TOIR Management of repairs and maintenance of KORP equipment ";
  • The production cost is generated taking into account the correct distribution of payroll costs to the calculation objects. Possibility of operational analysis of calculation objects in terms of payroll expenses;
  • Reduced labor costs and elimination of errors in the calculation of the bonus part of wages due to the automatic receipt of indicators from related systems;
  • The speed of obtaining management data increased by 20%, which had a positive effect on the adoption of strategically important decisions for the company;
  • The calculation of salaries of the required complexity is automated, taking into account the new legislative norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan and sending high-quality regulated data to the state control bodies on time;
  • Automated calculation of statutory taxes and contributions from the Payroll Fund.

The enterprise information system has been upgraded to the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 technology platform with the ability to easily update the system as part of information technology support, as well as quickly and cost-effectively change settings when business processes change.