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ISBC technology helps improve the quality of life of blind people

Customers: Russian School for Training Guide Dogs of the All-Russian Society of the Blind

Community and non-profit structures

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Smart Passport Issue

ISBC has issued "smart" passports that are issued to visually impaired people for a guide dog at the Russian School for Training Guide Dogs of the All-Russian Society of the Blind. ISBC announced this on August 5, 2024. Using "smart" RFID paper developed by ISBC engineers, it was possible to place an NFC chip and leave the certificate form established by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation unchanged. The NFC label, which is read using a smartphone, allows you to instantly go to the school's official website in the "Guide to the ownership and use of the guide dog," where all the necessary information on working with the guide dog is collected in a form accessible to blind people. "Smart" passports, along with four-legged assistants, have already been issued to five streams of visually impaired people who have been trained in working with a guide dog.

Our customers have long been asking that a QR code be placed on the certificate, which leads to a regulatory framework for ownership and recommendations for the care of the guide dog. This is important, since, unfortunately, not all people know that a blind person accompanied by a guide dog is legally entitled to unhindered access to all public places and can freely use any transport. Sometimes you need to quickly show this information to those employees who prevent this. But the form of the certificate is established by law and it is impossible to change it, since any additional element is a violation. In this situation, the "smart" ISBC paper made it possible to integrate additional digital functionality into the document and at the same time comply with all regulatory requirements, -  said Artem Astanin, General Director of the Russian School for Training Guide Dogs of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

Our goal is to create technological solutions that improve people's quality of life. ISBC RFID Paper, or "smart" paper, has special characteristics that allow you to easily complement the usual things with digital functionality, so it is increasingly used in various social projects. In particular, the Russian School for Training Guide Dogs uses it for information materials, where one postcard replaces a multi-page catalog, - said Nikita Kozhemyakin, General Director of Smart Systems LLC (part of the ISBC group of companies).