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Sberbank: Commercial Real Estate Solution

Developers: Sberbank
Last Release Date: 2024/08/07
Branches: Real estate
Technology: BPM

Main article: Business Process Management

2024: Notice of difficulties in the tenant's business and its possible convention

Sberbank has added new features to a free industry solution for entrepreneurs who run a rental business. Now owners commercial real estate that use the service will be notified of difficulties in the tenant's business and its possible congress. This will help minimize and even avoid losses due to room downtime. Also users will be offered tenant search tools for free areas. Sberbank announced this on August 7, 2024.

Free industry solution for commercial property owners from Sberbank combines tools for automation and rental development businesses available in the Internet bank SberBusiness. With the solution, customers can search for tenants, automate routine business processes, and receive personal recommendations relevant to rental business.

400 thousand entrepreneurs have already used our industry solutions. The service for owners of commercial real estate has shown its effectiveness in the development of the rental business - it gives the client the opportunity to distract from routine processes and concentrate on solving important problems. The new functionality will help solve one of the main problems in this segment - a simple room. The owner of the property will now be aware of the possible difficulties of the tenant. This minimizes risks, will allow you to timely find a new solvent tenant, including using service tools,
said Alexey Shashkin, director of the Small and Microbusiness division of Sberbank.