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Choral College of St. Petersburg


Main article: Choirs of Russia

The Choir College of St. Petersburg under the direction of Nikolay Romanov is a musical community uniting students and graduates of secondary special and higher musical educational institutions of St. Petersburg.

The idea of ​ ​ the project originates in 2013, when students began to gather at the school named after Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov around Nikolay Romanov for joint music.

In 2024, the artists of the College actively participate in various festivals and competitions, regularly give recitals, are widely involved in the cultural life of the Northern capital. Performances are held on the stages of the Small and Big Halls of the Academic Philharmonic, on the stage of the Academic Chapel, the Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater and many other prominent venues in St. Petersburg.

Artists of the College toured in Latvia (2014, 2017), Lithuania (2017), Italy (2015).

Шаблон:XVIII Century Music CD