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KB "Kuban Credit" switched to electronic personnel document management

Customers: Kuban Credit

Krasnodar; Financial services, investments and audit

Product: Directum HR Pro

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/07
Number of licenses: 2800

2024: Transition to electronic personnel document management

KB Kuban Credit, which unites 11 offices in five regions of Russia, digitalized HR processes. This was announced on August 12, 2024 by representatives of Directum. The introduction of Directum HR Pro helped the financial institution reduce the cost of paper, storage and logistics, as well as significantly save time on drafting, sending personnel documents and correcting errors if they are incorrectly executed. Total savings, according to forecasts, will amount to 10-12 million rubles a year.

Almost 2,800 employees connected to the system in two stages. Now bank employees sign employment contracts, orders for transfers and vacations in electronic form in their personal account (on a computer or in a smartphone). These documents are not duplicated on paper, have legal force and are equal to the originals.

Employees of the personnel department in a matter of minutes send all the personnel of the financial institution the necessary personnel information, new employees are remembered from the LNA in electronic form.

To connect bank personnel to the system, only the current mobile phone number is required, which receives messages about incoming tasks. An enhanced unqualified electronic signature is issued for each employee, with which personnel documents are signed. On the part of the bank, all documents are requested by an enhanced KEP.

According to the bank, the first three months of working with the KEDO confirmed the effectiveness of the system. Employees receive electronic signatures and certify personnel documents in a couple of clicks, saving an average of 20 minutes per document. The total time for preparing, agreeing and signing documents related to work decreased, according to Kuban Credit Design Bureau, by 83%. The exchange of documents between branches was reduced from two weeks to five minutes. At the same time, the risk of compromise and loss of information when it is transferred to additional offices is excluded.

By the end of 2024, the bank plans to complete the transition of all employees to electronic document management, increase the number of personnel documents signed in the system, digitalize the entire process of forming a vacation schedule and organize remote work.