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Wildberries improves the security of its systems using the Metascan cloud scanner

Customers: Wildberries (Wildburries)

Moscow; Trade

Contractors: Metascan
Product: Metascan Cloud vulnerability scanner

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/07

2024: Metascan Cloud Vulnerability Scanner Application

Wildberries uses the Metascan cloud vulnerability scanner as part of a comprehensive information security project. This was reported on August 14, 2024 by Metascan.

Over the past year, the number cyber attacks of web applications (both politically motivated and financially politically motivated) has increased by 86%, exceeding the daily mark of 209 billion. Globally, CVE (international) database vulnerabilities fixes about 50 new vulnerabilities per day. In such a picture of the world, daily checks of the external perimeter become one of the foundations for protecting the company.

Using the platform will allow the Wildberries information security team to use 28 Metascan modules to find vulnerabilities and protect. IT infrastructures The service provides inventory domains and - IP addresses, detection of vulnerabilities in network equipment, system applications, web applications, selection passwords and detection of configuration flaws.

"The digital platform Wildberries and Russ, as well as the entire ecom market, is growing dynamically. In proportion to the growth of information resources, the number of threats increases. Therefore, it is important to be proactive and use high-tech solutions to protect the data of our customers, partners and employees. We are glad to continue cooperation - Metascan will definitely strengthen our circuit to counter cyber attacks, "said Anton Zhabolenko, Deputy General Director for Information Security of the combined company Wildberries and Russ Group.

Cloudy the scanner is provided according to the model, SaaS but unlike other solutions of this class, Metascan has the ability to add its own modules in the language, Python as well as API for integration with external systems, the company noted.

"In the world of automation, widespread distribution botnets and expansion of technological capacity among attackers, the main task for any security service remains the speed of response to vulnerabilities and incidents. Metascan guarantees scanning of all assets in 8 hours, even for such a large client as Wildberries and the amount of its resources, "said David Ordyan, CEO and founder of Metascan.