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Furniture and homeware chain Swed House implements loyalty system based on Set Loyalty

Customers: Swed House


Product: CSI: Set Loyalty

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/04

2024: Set Loyalty-Based Loyalty Implementation

Furniture and homeware chain Swed House has implemented a loyalty system based on the Set Loyalty platform, which is being developed by CSI. Following the first two months of working with Set Loyalty, the retailer saw a significant increase in business performance. This was announced on August 13, 2024 by representatives of CSI.

The Swed House retail chain consists of three stores in St. Petersburg. To encourage loyal customers and attract new ones at the end of April 2024, the company introduced a loyalty bonus program using the Set Loyalty tool.

According to the customer's feedback, in the first two months (May and June) of using Set Loyalty, the company achieved the following results:

  • In total, 3451 buyers registered in the program. The conversion to the first purchase among them was 77.16%. At least one purchase in June was made by 54.1% of buyers of the total number of participants.
  • In June, 1974 people joined the program. Of these, 85.06% made their first purchase during the same month.
  • Active participants in the loyalty program (visited the store at least once a month) in June there were 1867 - 54.1% of the entire base.
  • The share of transactions using the bonus card was 34% of the total number of checks.
  • The share of the loyalty program in the network's revenue amounted to 59.28%.
  • The frequency of purchases among program participants is 1.21 times a month.
  • The average check of program participants was 2.9 times the average check of anonymous buyers.
  • The average number of items on a member's check was 1.82 times that of anonymous buyers.
  • The average cost of one item in a member's check is 1.61 times more than anonymous buyers.

Especially for Swed House, additional fields were added to the questionnaire in Set Loyalty - gender, email, children. Of all registered buyers, 84.79% indicated their gender, 50.62% - mail. The clause on minor children was filled out by 43.1% of buyers at registration.

In addition, Swed House shared the results of the first advertising SMS campaign created and sent out using Set Loyalty. Messages were sent to loyalty program members who had not yet made their first purchase within a month. According to the results of the campaign, it turned out that the conversion to purchase amounted to 5.5% - that is, the distribution brought in monetary terms almost 13 times more than was spent on it.

All analytical indicators were promptly monitored in Set Loyalty. In addition, the platform made it possible to assess the effectiveness of cashiers and advertising campaigns, and then make the necessary adjustments to the process.

The launch of the loyalty program was an important step for Swed House to strengthen ties with customers.

"Thank you to the Set Loyalty team for successfully implementing the product. We recently started working with customer loyalty, but the first results are already pleasing. Separate thanks to Polina Fomina, Customer Success Manager'y from CSI, for helping with the launch of the registration and stock mechanic. Further - more, "- said the CEO of Swed House, Sofya Medvednikova.