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First Bit has developed a comprehensive information system for TMS Group

Customers: Tatneft-MehService Management Company LLC (TMS Group)

Contractors: First Bit
Product: 1C:ERP. Holding management

Project date: 2023/08  - 2024/02

2024: Creation of an integrated enterprise management system

The company "First Bit" has created a comprehensive enterprise management system based on the product "1C:ERP. Holding Management "for TMS Group Management Company, a Russian manufacturer of products and services for the oil and gas industry and mechanical engineering. Representatives of the "First Bit" reported this on August 15, 2024.

Prior to the project, TMS Group used more than fifteen disparate information systems, which led to fragmentation of data and complexity in managing the company. Employees of the organization had to duplicate information into different systems and deal with paper documents, which reduced efficiency, led to the risk of errors and increased costs. At the same time, management noticed the high cost of maintaining an IT loop caused by suboptimal integration solutions.

Specialists of the Sportivnaya office of the IT integrator First Bit designed an architecture of an effective corporate information system (CIS) for TMS Group, designed to save the company from problems with transferring data between different software products, increase operational manageability of the business and reduce the cost of owning business software.

Within the framework of the project, the IT circuit "TMS Group" was transferred to server infrastructure the base. operating system Astra Linux Special Edition According to the customer, this choice was due to the high security and stability of the operating system, as well as its compatibility with open standards and high-quality support.

During the digital transformation business processes of the Management Company of TMS Group LLC, the project team developed a scheme for automated interaction between five information systems included in the CIS: 1C":. ERP Holding management "1C: Salary and Human Resources"",,," and "1C: Document Flow" "1C: EDM Client class systems (PLM PLM).

The First Bit company managed to create a single information space for TMS Group for operational interaction between departments and accounting for customer relationships. In addition, the implementation of CIS made it possible to optimize the management of the company, improve control over the execution of contracts, reduce the number of downtime and reduce the cost of supporting information systems.

"As part of the project, the implementation team has developed special processes to automatically generate payment requests that take into account a variety of customizable criteria. This made it possible to optimize the process of forming applications and increase the efficiency of financial management. Also, specialists from the First Bit have developed special methods for forming budgets that were previously carried out outside accounting systems, which provided us with more effective control over the formation of budgets and reduced the time spent on entering information, "said Nikita Kirdin, head of the economics and finance department of the Management Company of TMS Group LLC.

On the part of the client's holding, the IT company Fort Consulting took part in the project. It guaranteed compliance with the methodology adopted by the Tagras holding, controlled the quality of project documentation and supported users with end users Kis.}}

"As part of the project, we have created a corporate information system of four solutions, designed to unite the work of 2,000 users in a single space. In addition, we ensured integration with external systems that are not part of the target CIS in order to completely exclude re-entry of information, possible errors and delays due to the human factor, "said Alexander Maryushin, head of corporate projects at the Sports office of First Bit.

According to the customer's estimates, six months after the CIS was put into commercial operation, the process of obtaining management reports by the management of TMS Group LLC accelerated by 40%, production costs were reduced by 20%, and an increase in warehouse turnover led to a decrease in inventory volumes by 15%.