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MIUZ Diamonds Jewelry House Connects Three Million Member to Manzana Campaign Loyalty Program

Customers: MIUZ Diamonds (Moscow Jewelry Factory, MIZ)

Moscow; Jewelry industry

Product: Manzana Campaign

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/06

2024: Implementation of the Manzana Campaign

MIUZ Diamonds is actively implementing innovative technologies to optimize the quality of service for its customers. One of the company's latest initiatives was the use of the Manzana Campaign platform. Now the company covers more than three million loyalty program members with regular communications. About this company Manzana Group on August 14, 2024.

According to the company, Manzana Campaign is a solution that increases the effectiveness of targeted marketing by segmenting loyalty program participants and interacting with them through various communication channels. It is included in the register of domestic software.

"Manzana Campaign is part of Manzana's intelligent platform and thanks to its integration with other Manzana Group products, users can quickly connect to the system. At the same time, the Manzana Campaign solution can connect to the bonus and discount processing service, deployed both in the cloud and in the local installation version. This allows you to quickly start using the capabilities of the Manzana Campaign service, "commented Oleg Palenov, CEO of Manzana Group.

MIUZ Diamonds jewelry house has been implementing and improving the customer-oriented approach through the loyalty program from Manzana Group for more than 10 years. A long period of cooperation indicates a high level of trust between companies. Every year, the number of buyers loyal to a jewellery house increases, as does its loyalty index (NPS).

"Information technologies are developing rapidly, customers are quickly getting used to a certain level of service and technological solutions. Our company is committed to anticipating customers' expectations of brand contact, so we are always looking for new opportunities to reach the next stage of engagement with them. We are very grateful to the Manzana Group team for their professionalism, "commented to marketing Nadezhda Vartanova, director of the MIUZ Diamonds jewelry house.

In its work, MIUZ Diamonds uses Manzana Loyalty system from Manzana Group. To optimize communication with the growing audience of the loyalty program, cooperation between companies was expanded by connecting the Manzana Campaign service, which is fully integrated with the Manzana Loyalty system.

In general, the Manzana Campaign helps MIUZ Diamonds:

  • Create a portrait of each buyer for the accuracy of personal communications.
  • Create segments and customize individual chains of interaction with each selected segment to suggest exactly what is interesting.
  • Set up and start communications using different channels to send individual offers in the most convenient channel for the buyer.
  • Run Trigger Mailings to respond to buyers in a timely manner as part of a marketing activity.
  • Carry out cascading actions of the required scale to increase the number of reads of the message and save on mailings.
  • Analyze the results of mailings, campaigns and communication channels for effective distribution of the marketing budget.

With the Manzana Campaign, complex mailings are configured and launched through various communication channels, including email, Viber and SMS, using local time, condition checks and communication triggers. This allows you to deliver up-to-date information to MIUZ Diamonds customers at the right time and in a convenient format, as well as reduce the time for preparing and setting up promotions, and save the marketing budget.

The joint plans of the Manzana Campaign and the MIUZ Diamonds jewelry house include expanding available communication channels to improve the efficiency of communication with loyalty program participants.