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NAT (National Alliance of Tajikistan)


The organization was created in 2018 by emigrated representatives of the opposition of Tajikistan.

Main article: Tajikistan

The NAT is an emphasized anti-Russian structure, which, among other things, called on Dushanbe to withdraw from the CSTO.

2024: Tajikistan Reform and Development Movement withdraws from alliance

In August 2024, it became known that the Tajikistan Reform and Development Movement (DRRT), headed by Sharofiddin Gadoev, left the National Alliance of Tajikistan (NAT).

Now in the NAT, created in 2018 and recognized as terrorist in Tajikistan, only three organizations remain:

  • "Congress of Free-Thinking Tajikistan,"
  • " Congress of Central Asian Migrants" and
  • Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan (IRPT). The latter participated in the political life of the country and was elected to parliament until its ban in 2015 and recognition as terrorist.

The specific reason for the DRRT's withdrawal from the Alliance is unknown, but it is obvious that the opposition did not share power.

Earlier, the leader of the Gadoev party accused the IRPT of inefficiency and instilling in the NAT the personality cult of its chairman Mukhiddin Kabiri, as well as the usurpation of power: 75% of the seats in the NAT political council were taken by representatives of the IRPT.

In response to demands for equal representation, Gadoev was accused of abuse of authority and betrayal.