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Uralsib Bank introduces software robotization on the PIX RPA platform

Customers: Uralsib FC

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: PIX RPA Platform

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: PIX RPA Implementation

Uralsib Bank"" introduces software robotization on PIX RPA platform. This accelerates automation, reduces the cost of improvements and, in system integration general, contributes to an increase in process efficiency. In two years, the practice of robotization has grown several times, and as of August 2024, more than 20 business processes bank use digital employees. This was PIX Robotics (Peaks Robotics) reported on August 21, 2024.

The bank has formed a Competence Center for Robotization, which is responsible for all processes in the life cycle of robots: together with customers, it forms and prioritizes tasks for robotizing business processes, develops and launches robots and controls the payback in each task. The payback of robotization cases is one of the most important indicators for the development of RPA practice along with user satisfaction. To do this, the division uses a special calculator that takes into account alternative personnel costs and automation, comparing them with the cost of developing and accompanying the robot.

The development and expansion of robotization on the PIX RPA platform means for the Competence Center building a production cycle for the development, testing, release and maintenance of robots, as well as constant work with various divisions of the bank to effectively generate and collect ideas on possible optimization of processes using the platform.

Another area of ​ ​ development is the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent document processing (IDP) technologies. AI integration can allow robots not only to perform programmed actions, but also to analyze data, predict trends and make more complex decisions. Using IDP will automate the processing and analysis of documents, which will significantly speed up work with a large amount of information and reduce the likelihood of errors. The Competence Center is now analyzing potential business cases to test these hypotheses on the PIX RPA platform.