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Баннер в шапке 2


Main article: Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovs

Karl-Peter-Ulrich in Russia was baptized under the name of Peter Fedorovich.

The son of the Holstein-Gottorp Duke Karl Friedrich and nee Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna, grandson of Peter I, cousin of Emperor Peter II; godfather of Princess E.R. Dashkova. Father of Emperor Paul I.


Born February 21, 1728 in Kiel.

In infancy, Karl Peter lost his mother, at the age of 11 - his father.

Upbringing for the role of heir to the Swedish crown with hatred of Russia

The father of the future emperor Peter III, Duke Karl-Frederick, for a long time saw him as a possible heir to the Swedish crown, counting on the help of Sweden in one vital business for Holstein. Namely - in the conquest of Schleswig occupied by the Danes. At first, the duke relied on the powerful Russian Empire, fortunately, his hopes were reinforced by his marriage to the eldest daughter of Peter the Great himself. But after the Duchess Anna Petrovna suddenly died, and Anna Ioannovna ascended the throne in Russia, for whom Holstein relatives were dangerous competitors in the struggle for the throne, the "Russian" project had to be involuntarily abandoned.

Romanov and Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty

Now all the thoughts of Karl-Friedrich were directed towards Sweden. And the Swedish patriotism of that time, among other things, implied hatred for Russia, which the educators tried to raise in a boy.

In 1739, upon the death of his father, Karl Peter became the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp (until adulthood in 1745 he was under the care of his great-uncle Adolf Friedrich, Prince-Bishop of Lübeck, the future Swedish king Adolf Fredrik).

1742: Declaration as heir to the Russian throne

In 1741, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna came to power in Russia. Elizabeth adored her late sister, had no children of her own, and wanted to secure the throne behind her line of the Romanov dynasty.

Peter was invited by her to Russia. 5 (16).2.1742 delivered by Baron N. A. Korf to St. Petersburg. After the adoption of Orthodoxy with the name Pyotr Fedorovich, the manifesto of November 7 (18) of the same year declared Elizabeth Petrovna her heir.

Peter began to educate already in Orthodoxy and Russianism, preparing for the inheritance of the All-Russian throne, however, time was already missed. Fourteen years old is not the best time to re-educate, a person's beliefs about this age usually already have time to develop, and a teenage rebellion makes them practically beyond change. Peter Fedorovich did not become either truly Orthodox or truly Russian. Ultimately, this is what ruined him.

1743: Receiving as a gift from Elizabeth Oranienbaum

In 1743, Peter Fedorovich received from Elizaveta Petrovna as a gift Oranienbaum (now the city of Lomonosov), who was a grand-ducal residence until 1761/62.

1745: Wedding with second cousin Sophia Augusta Frederica

Married 21.8 (1.9).1745 with his second cousin - nee Anhalt-Zerbst princess Sofia Augusta Frederica (future imp . Catherine II). The relationship of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich with his wife Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna did not work out. He was often fond of her maids of honor; the greatest preference was given to Countess E.R. Vorontsova (from the Vorontsov family).


Joint portrait of Peter and Catherine. 1745

Passion for music

Main article: Music in Russia in the XVIII century

Peter Fedorovich passionately loved music. Quite detailed information has been preserved about him as a musician. The future emperor played the violin well, with pleasure participated in joint music with professionals and amateurs. He always performed the first violin part.

Catherine II wrote: "He had a good ear, but he did not know a single note, and meanwhile played all his life: thanks to the fidelity of the ear. He posed as a connoisseur in music, but in essence did not know its basic elements; the musicians knew it perfectly, they provided him with everything to say and do, because it was beneficial for them. For him, the beauty in music lay in the power and passion with which he extracted sounds. "

J. Stelin wrote: "Although he sometimes faked and missed difficult places, Italians from time to time accepted to shout to him:" Bravo, Your Highness, bravo. " In the end, he himself, despite piercing his bow, began to think that he was playing correctly and beautifully, according to his taste. Therefore, music in general and violin in particular became his strong hobby. As soon as he heard that there was a good violin somewhere, he sought to acquire it, despite the price. So, in the end, he made up a whole collection of precious Cremona, Amati, Steiner and other violins. However, this collection included other tools. For example, a traverse flute brought from China. It was made from one piece of wood according to the ancient Germanic model and made a rather sharp sound. This also included an amber flute from Koenigsberg, so skillfully composed of small pieces of 3-4 inches that it seemed made of solid parts. It is said that it was made for the Prussian king, but he found it too difficult to play. And really, it was, really. The Grand Duke loved to sit in the orchestra next to the bandmaster for the first violin and played diligently throughout the opera, and once accompanied on the solo violin, which had a difficult cadence, which was accepted by the applause of the lodges and stalls. "


Анна Розина де Гаск (Лисиевская) (1713-1783). Портрет великого князя Петра Фёдоровича и великой княгини Ekaterina Alekseevna. 1756. Oil on canvas. 207x143 see National Museum of Sweden, Stockholm

1762: Overthrow from the throne by his wife and murder

Main article: Coup of 1762




  • Picture house in Oranienbaum As a music lover and musician, the Grand Duke constantly arranged concerts and opera performances. The Oranienbaum Theater then rivaled the Imperial Court Stage. Music holidays were held here, Italian operas were staged. The future emperor Pyotr Fedorovich maintained a large staff of musicians, singers and ballet dancers, which required considerable expenses.