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In Serpukhov, earned a "smart" pedestrian crossing with artificial intelligence

Customers: Administration of the city district of Serpukhov

Contractors: ArCon, LLC
Product: Video analytics (projects)

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/07

2024: Smart crosswalk installation

In Serpukhov, the intersection of Voroshilova and Kaluzhskaya streets earned a "smart" pedestrian crossing with artificial intelligence. ArCon announced this on August 27, 2024.

When a person moves on the sidewalk in the pedestrian crossing zone, the system recognizes the pedestrian as an object by video image and using the AI neural network, calculates his trajectory of movement and, if it is directed towards the pedestrian crossing, turns on the bright illumination of the crossing zone and the "Pedestrian!" scoreboard located above the roadway. In addition, the device at night when a pedestrian crosses the road automatically turns on the projection of a zebra onto the roadway, which increases the visibility of road markings in the dark and in bad weather.

The "smart" pedestrian crossing includes: LED searchlight, projector for projecting road markings 1.14.1 - "zebra," pedestrian crossing road sign, video cameras, transport traffic light T7, control cabinet with installed software, information board "PEDESTRIAN" and uninterrupted power supply unit.

The installation of a "smart" pedestrian crossing will increase the safety of road users in the tourist zone and increase comfort for residents of Serpukhov.

This place of installation of a "smart" pedestrian crossing was chosen because there is a large pedestrian flow. Moreover, there is a tourist route between the monasteries: Vvedensky Vladychny Convent and Vysotsky Convent. We will assess the effectiveness of the solution and, with good indicators of safety and operation, we will consider the possibility of installing the same crossings near social facilities, - commented Pilikina Ekaterina, head of the road maintenance department of the Department of Road Facilities, Transport Services of the Population and Communications of the Administration of about. Serpukhov.

Equipment and software as part of the "smart" transition of fully Russian production. Similar devices are implemented in more than 30 regions of Russia. Experience in the operation of these complexes shows a decrease in the number of accidents by 82% in places of installation, by 30% reduces the waiting time for pedestrians. An additional plus is the energy efficiency of the device due to the use of LED lamps and adaptive lighting control.

Timely warning of drivers about the appearance of a pedestrian in the crossing zone significantly reduces the risk of an accident, and adaptive lighting better attracts the attention of drivers and allows them to see a pedestrian on the roadway in time. As our practice shows, in places where similar complexes are installed, pedestrians are more willing to cross the road along a bright "zebra" than along an unlit section, and drivers note the good visibility of the "PEDESTRIAN" scoreboard. In addition to these advantages, detectors installed at the crossing can record traffic violations. For example, not a pedestrian pass or violation of the rules for the passage of a pedestrian crossing by users of rented scooters. The obtained data on violations can be automatically transmitted to the regulatory body, and he, in turn, will issue a fine to violators, - said Denis Treskinsky, director of ARCON LLC.