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"Digital Economy League" has created a SCADA system on the domestic platform for "Kama"

Customers: Kama

Krasnokamsk; Light industry

Contractors: Tehkonsur
Product: SCADA Trace Mode

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/07

2024: Creation of a unified process dispatching platform

The Tekhkonsur company (part of) Digital Economy League has created for LLC "," Kama a manufacturer of coated cardboard and lightly coated paper, a single platform for dispatching processes based on a domestic SCADA system. TRACE MODE 7 The solution provides monitoring, collection, processing, display and archiving information of production facilities and enables you to manage autonomous enterprise systems. The Digital Economy League announced this on August 29, 2024.

The implementation took 10 months: as a result, the customer received a system that provides monitoring and analysis of the state of the water balance of the enterprise. The platform allows you to collect in real time the necessary parameters from equipment, regardless of its type and manufacturer.

Now the technologist of the enterprise sees a picture of processes in production online, before that the necessary information had to be collected through telephone calling. The system allows you to calculate the material balance based on the accumulated data and generate a ready-made report, which significantly saves specialist time (before that, work was carried out manually in Excel) and eliminates the possibility of errors. Subscriber flowmeters (Goznak) are connected to the solution - control over the actual and supplied water consumption indicators is organized. An alert system has been established to track the ph level at the biological treatment station.

The created platform is a hardware and software complex consisting of servers, storage system, switches, modems (for SMS), domestic system-wide software: a secure virtualization environment zVirt, several dozen virtual machines with OCAstra Linux, TRACE MODE 7 package and MasterOPC.

Important advantages of the solution: the possibility of scaling for connecting other production units, a high degree of protection - the applied software complies with the orders of FSTEC No. 31 and No. 239. In addition, SMS and email-informing users has been established.

{{quote 'Industry has huge potential to implement various automated solutions. This is a strategically important industry for the country, and we are glad to take part in such an interesting and significant project. The League thanks KAMA for its trust - we highly appreciate the established cooperation. Each implemented project in industry expands our expertise in this area, which is especially important in the light of active import substitution in the country as a whole, - said Pavel Konovalov, director of the practice of cloud solutions of the Digital Economy League. }}

Due to large-scale changes in the domestic IT market, including in the segment of production software, KAMA is implementing projects to switch to import-independent digital solutions. Thanks to the system, created jointly with experts from the Digital Economy League, it was possible to improve and speed up production processes, while maintaining high product quality. We hope that our interaction will make the work of the enterprise even more efficient and thereby further strengthen KAMA's position in the market, "said Evgenia Frolova, Head of the Department for APCS of KAMA LLC.

The Digital Economy League and KAMA plan to continue cooperation. In particular, the possibility of connecting additional APCS sites for monitoring processes at production in real time on the existing SCADA Archive system is being considered.