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Magnit has implemented a database masking solution from Krosstech Solutions Group

Customers: Thunder Chain of stores Magnit


Product: CrossTech Jay Data

Project date: 2024/07  - 2024/08

2024: Implementation of Jay Data Database Masking Solution

On July 5, 2024, Krosstech Solutions Group announced the start of the implementation of the Jay Data database masking solution in Tander JSC.

The purpose of the Jay Data solution implementation in the Magnit chain of stores is to increase the security of personal data of customers, as well as employees, to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to confidential information and its use for fraudulent purposes.

Jay Data allows you to automate the process of masking sensitive data, eliminating the need to manually search and mask information using scripts. This significantly saves the time that was previously spent on these tasks, freeing up resources for other projects.

The product of Crosstech Solutions Group LLC - Jay Data - provides ready-made methods for masking databases that allow not only to replace the original values ​ ​ with constants, null or service characters, but also to prepare data close to real ones. For example:

  • Dictionary substitution is a data masking method that replaces sensitive information with a dictionary value. Suitable for replacing full names, cities, streets, etc.
  • random character-by-character replacement is a method of masking data in which letters are replaced with letters and numbers with other numbers.
  • Date and number offset - methods that allow you to offset the original values ​ ​ within a given range.

Jay Data also offers special algorithms for card numbers, TIN, SNILS and other documents. These methods allow you to create data that cannot be distinguished from the original.

The introduction of such a solution in the Magnit chain of stores indicates that the company is serious about protecting the personal data of its customers and is ready to invest in modern technologies to ensure this protection. This not only increases customer confidence in the company, but also helps to strengthen its reputation as a reliable partner.

{{quote 'author = said Julia Likhoded, Head of Licensing, Standardization and Trade Secret Protection Department "Magnit" explained the choice of Jay Data solution.|We have a request for a solution that will allow us to reliably disguise the personal data of our customers and employees. This is necessary to:

  1. Reduce the risk of confidential information leakage, thereby protecting our customers.
  2. Reduce the likelihood of fines for violation of personal data legislation in case of incidents.
  3. Increase customer confidence in our company by demonstrating a responsible approach to protecting their data.

Jay Data's decision from Crosstech Solutions Group completely closes our request. As a result, we get impersonal data that can be safely used and transmitted. This significantly reduces the risks of leaks and fines.

The introduction of Jay Data is an important step in our system work to protect personal data. We monitor data processing, control access and train employees on a regular basis. All of this allows us to securely protect confidential information and customer trust,}}

Thus, the implementation of the Jay Data solution was an important step towards ensuring the security of personal data of customers of the Magnit chain of stores. It not only protects customers from possible threats, but also creates the basis for the long-term development of the company and strengthening its position in the market.

As representatives of Krosstech Solutions Group clarified to TAdviser, as of early September the project had already been completed.