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MTS Exolve has created a digital assistant for Khlynov Bank

Customers: Khlynov KB

Product: MTS Exolve Voice Robot

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Creating a Digital Assistant

MTS Exolve has created a digital assistant for Khlynov Bank. MTS Exolve announced this on September 3, 2024.

Voice Assistant, integrated with the system IVR (Interactive Voice Response), made it possible to bank to automate a number of client services: receiving feedback and measuring the loyalty NPS (Net Promoter Score) client index; activation of corporate clients and settlement of debt issues to the bank.

Thanks to the implementation of the solution, the efficiency of calling in order to activate corporate clients has increased by 2 times. In addition, 30% of retail customers who received a reminder through voice robot began to pay debt to the bank on time.

The automation of the customer loyalty index (NPS) measurement made it possible to optimize the work of employees of the contact center, through which calls were previously made. To assess the metric, the digital assistant makes about 10 thousand calls per month: welcomes the subscriber, offers to assess the quality of services on a scale of 0 to 10 points and asks about the readiness to recommend the bank to his acquaintances, after which he forms and uploads a report.

One of the values ​ ​ of Khlynov Bank is humanity in customer service. In offices, in a chat and on the phone, people communicate with clients, not bots, - commented Elena Susorova, head of the bank's client experience department. - However, in some projects, the bank uses digital solutions. The robot, implemented jointly with MTS Exolve, helps us not only to optimize the receipt of feedback from customers, but also to work more efficiently with corporate clients and manage debts.

It's no coincidence that robots are one of the fast-growing technologies on the market. We see that voice assistants bring excellent results to the business, - commented Ramil Bikkuzhin, director of MTS Exolve. - They not only save resources, but also increase business efficiency, increase sales, customer loyalty. I think that within 5-10 years we will see an explosive increase in interest in voice bots.