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ICL Services and Astra Group transfer hundreds of thousands of Tatarstan civil servants to Russian software

Customers: Government of the Republic of Tatarstan

Kazan; State and social structures

Contractors: ICL Services
Product: Astra Linux Special Edition

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/07
Number of licenses: 50 000

2024: Transition to domestic software

ICL Services (part of ICL Group of Companies) acted as the executor of a large-scale project on IT transformation of state bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan. Together with the strategic partner Astra Group and ICL Astra Services, the company provides support for the migration of more than a hundred thousand civil servants to domestic software and the Astra Linux operating system. ICL announced this on September 5, 2024.

As of September 2024, 82 ministries, departments, executive committees and local government bodies of the republic are actively working on the transition to Astra Linux OS, in all parent ministries this operating system has already been implemented.

The total number of installed AWS is more than 50,000 . The transfer process should end by November 30, 2024, which corresponds to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the transition to Russian software by January 1, 2025.

Among the key tasks of ICL Services is not only support for the translation to the Russian Astra Linux OS, but also optimization of information security and workplace manageability, as well as adaptation to the new IT infrastructure of all end users and IT specialists of government agencies that independently migrate.

Already by 2022, the Government of the Republic has accumulated extensive experience in import substitution and was ready to be one of the first to take this path, adhering to its digitalization strategy. We worked out with the Ministry of Digital Development of the Republic of Tatarstan this concept of switching to domestic software and were ready for new challenges. Actively using the competencies of our experts and the support of the Astra Group and the Central Center of the Republic of Tatarstan to put all the components into a common "puzzle," we launched the project, "said Ruslan Vagizov, General Director of ICL Services.

The project with the Republic of Tatarstan is one of the largest and most interesting cases, which, I am sure, can be successfully used in other regions of the country in the future. Our products are competitive and reliable, specialists have extensive experience in solving the most unusual problems, and the approach to interaction with the customer is very flexible. We have strong strategic partners. Together, this gives us many advantages and allows us to implement projects of a similar scale and complexity, "said Andrei Soldatov, director of the regional development department of Astra Group.