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Khlynov Bank has placed digital financial assets

Customers: Khlynov KB

Product: Atomyze: Industrial Asset Tokenization Platform

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Placement of CFA at Atomyze site

The placement of digital financial assets (CFA) of Khlynov Bank at the Atomais site has been completed. Atomyze (Tokentrust AG) announced this on September 12, 2024.

For issuers, CFA is a funding tool that allows you to quickly and with minimal costs attract the necessary funding. In turn, CFA investors are attractive due to increased profitability, as well as reliability and security. All information is recorded in the blockchain system, which is almost impossible to hack.

We see the potential for the development of CFA and adhere to modern market trends. The Bank decided to place its own CFA on the Atomais platform, which is one of the accredited operators of information systems. The size of the first issue amounted to 50 million rubles for a period of 6 months. It was important for us to test the procedure for the release of CFA, to understand the features of the new tool. In two days, the bank, together with the platform, were able to fully structure the deal, hold preparatory events, issue a CFA and attract financing. As a result, they noted the high speed of release - the book was formed within 15 minutes. I hope that in the future CFAs will be able to become an analogue of a digital deposit among our clients, - noted the relevance of the CFA, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank Khlynov Alexey Musikhin.

It should be noted that although cryptocurrency and digital financial assets are based on the same technologies, they have nothing in common with each other. Most cryptocurrencies are not secured, decentralized and do not provide any guarantees for holders. In turn, the CFA has real "basic assets," and the activities associated with them are strictly regulated by federal law.