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Atomyze: Industrial Asset Tokenization Platform

The name of the base system (platform): Hyperledger Fabric
Developers: Atomyze (Tokentrust AG), IBM
Last Release Date: 2024/09/12
Branches: Metallurgical industry


Atomyze is a platform for tokenizing industrial assets.


Integration with Smart ID Engine

Technologies for recognizing and verifying the authenticity of documents the Russian AI- a company Smart Engines are integrated in the Atomais platform. Smart Engines announced this on September 12, 2024.

Thanks to the Smart Engines recognition system, the Atomais platform quickly and safely processes data from the main spread, registration and other pages of the Russian passport. The technology is able to accurately recognize the content of all fields and stamps, including those with handwritten filling. The solution allows you to identify and verify new customers who are needed to conclude transactions for the sale, exchange and execution of other transactions with digital financial assets.

Artificial intelligence, which underlies Smart Engines software solutions, checks for the authenticity and invariability of the documents provided by the client and is able to accurately identify signs of falsification. All operations for the recognition and authentication of documents are fully automated, exclude the human factor and do not carry the risk of personal data leaks.

When working with digital financial assets, confidence in fraud protection plays a special role. The introduction of Smart Engines systems in the Atomais infrastructure will bring document processing processes to a new level, speed up and secure the interaction of investors and businesses. Now it will be even easier and faster for business to attract financing, and for investors to open new assets and make transactions, "said Dmitry Bulychkov, Atomaiz Technology Development Advisor.

Smart Engines software products use the company's scientific development - 4.6-bit ultralight neural networks, which allows you to significantly speed up the document processing process by more efficiently using the features of central processors. The technology works in real conditions with photos, videos and scans.

Integration with the Rosbank application

Customers Rosbank will be able to buy digital financial assets (CFA) without leaving their usual one. bank applications To do this, just press a few buttons and give consent to transfer to data the Atomize platform. The bank announced this on June 25, 2024. Read more here [1]


Placing in the GitHub Repository

The team blockchain of the ChainLab Technology Laboratory of the Idea Scientific Center posted GitHub the open source code of the Atomize platform in the repository. Its research and development will be carried out on the basis of the Laboratory with the technical support of Newity. This was announced on November 14, 2023 by the Idea Scientific Center.

The laboratory provides the opportunity to use a ready-made solution to launch its projects and startups and create new platforms and blockchain development based on this open source. All interested experts will be able to test the components and make their proposals for improving open source code.

The laboratory staff constantly researches blockchain technologies and community blockchain development, including the application of open source best practices around the world, developing and supplementing the library of the most effective open source solutions with new examples. In the process of studying the open source Atomais platform, laboratory experts prepared an article describing the architecture. It passed peer-review and was published in IEEE. Today, there are about 10 platforms for tokenizing assets on the CFA market, but only one of them,
said Alexander Belenov, head of the Blockchain Technology Laboratory "ChainLab" of the scientific center "Idea," co-founder of the Atomais platform.

Many programs that people use every day are built on the principles of open source. For example,,, and Google Chrome Opera "" Yandex.Browser are based on open browser Chromium. The operating system Android is open. Using kernel Linux separate open source components, say, protocols that are associated with the consensus developed by the Idea Science Center, SmartBFT, cryptography wallet processing, queries, etc., it becomes possible to create completely new products and ensure trust in projects using these components. In fact, the introduction of the SmartBFT consensus allows you to position Hyperledger Fabric as a flexible blockchain network focused on using not only in corporate solutions, but also to create open blockchains. Taking into account the other advantages of HLF (performance, automatic scaling, etc.), the presented solutions will allow the HLF platform to create serious competition for the market leader, Ethereum
noted Vladimir Gorgadze, expert of the Laboratory, head of the blockchain department of MIPT (basic organization - scientific center "Idea"), co-founder of the Atomais platform.

The main advantage of building the Atomais platform is a combined approach to the platform blockchain architecture, on the one hand, using a private blockchain based on Hyperledger Fabric, but at the same time allowing connecting external validators to the Atomais platform. A distinctive feature of the platform is the implementation of each token in a dedicated Hyperledger Fabric channel, which provides data separation, privacy and expanded scalability. The use of microbatching (micropacketing) to increase productivity and an innovative component guarantee the atomicity of the exchange of tokenized assets. By providing public access to parts of the platform for further study and use in our projects, we hope that such tasks and professional challenges may interest colleagues in the blockchain community and they can contribute to the development of open source.
added Artem Barger, CTO of Newity and platform architect.

Issue of 20 CFA in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles

Since the first launch on the Atomais platform (summer 2022), 20 issues of digital financial assets (CFA) of 9 issuers with a total volume of 1.8 billion rubles have taken place. Of these, 10 issues have already been redeemed, 10 are existing issues. During this time, 40,000 investors became participants in the platform. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the project on June 14, 2023.

We are now at the stage that we need to go, because the client believes in it. Individual clients who come look quite rationally and economically justified, - said the general director of Atomais Ekaterina Frolovicheva.

Atomais released CFA for 1.8 billion rubles

Natalya Voevodina, Chairman of the Board of Rosbank, noted that most of the clients were identified on the side of the credit institution (both Rosbank and Atomais are members of the Interros group). She also confirmed the interest of customers in "our experiments," but noted that "a boom is not happening."

According to Frolovicheva, individuals are attracted by "a short period of time and quite exceeding the profitability even on deposits by a noticeable amount of interest." At the same time, the market is under constant supervision of the regulator:

We are already so regulated, the manuals did not give, but they constantly ask something. The week does not pass so that the Central Bank does not specify anything. They have such a keen interest in any release, almost like in a laboratory. Here the right to error is completely cut off. You stumble once - and customers will not come again, "she said.

As the director of the financial policy department of the Ministry of Finance RFIvan Chebeskov noted, the Russian CFA market still retains a number of barriers, such as limiting the turnover of CFAs, limiting the qualifications of investors, it is also necessary to develop technological compatibility of platforms, that is, interoperability, and provide access to foreign investors using remote identification.

All these barriers, without removing them, you can not even discuss the market, that is, this is a commitment that needs to be fulfilled, without this the market will not work, "he said in mid-June 2023.[1]

2021: Carbon Neutral Nickel Sales

In July 2021, Norilsk Nickel announced the start of production of the first carbon-neutral nickel in its assortment. This project is implemented within the framework of the strategy in the field of ecology and climate change, aimed at reducing the harmful impact on the environment.

We are pleased to announce that Nornickel has secured an international auditor's certificate confirming the company's focus on supporting the global climate agenda and, on its own initiative, accelerate the reduction of specific CO2 emissions throughout the group. This conclusion allowed us to allocate the saved carbon emissions for the first batch of carbon-neutral nickel, "said Anton Berlin, vice president and head of the Norilsk Nickel sales and commerce unit.

Norilsk Nickel began producing metal without CO2 emissions

The volume of the first batch of carbon-neutral products amounted to 5,000 tons of nickel cathodes produced by the Kola Division of the Group. The metal will be shipped by ship from the Murmansk port and delivered to a warehouse certified by the London Metal Exchange Rotterdam in - the largest logistics hub. Europe

According to Norilsk Nickel's plans, the volume of carbon-neutral batches will grow as emissions are reduced and carbon savings are verified by the auditor. By the end of the year, the company plans to produce up to 10,000 tons of carbon-neutral nickel.

Carbon-neutral nickel will be tokenized on the Atomyze blockchain platform, and tokens will be withdrawn by the European-registered Global Palladium Fund Norilsk Nickel to the Vienna Stock Exchange.

Separately, the company tokenizes an auditor's certificate on the Atomyze platform with a confirmed amount of CO2 emissions reductions, which will allow you to securely store this information, distribute it to new batches of products and attach it to smart contracts with investors and industrial consumers.[2]

2020: Norilsk Nickel will become the issuer of the Atomyze platform

On February 28, 2020, it became known that the company Norilsk Nickel"" will become the first issuer of the platform for the tokenization of industrial assets - palladium, cobalt, copper and other valuable metals -. Atomyze The test launch of the platform based on - blockchain technology Hyperledger Fabric took place in Zug, the main center of innovation in the blockchain industry. Switzerland

The leading technology partner in the project with Atomyze was IBM. The corporation participated in the development of the platform, as well as in the integration of the advanced BFT consensus mechanism (Byzantine Fault Tolerant), which allows the Hyperledger Fabric framework to implement a system with an open user management model.

The system will be hosted in the public cloud IBM Cloud (which guarantees the security of user data, compliance with GDPR and C5 requirements, as well as protection against external and internal threats) and work on the basis of the distributed registry of the Hyperledger Fabric framework. The platform will simplify the course of trading, speed up the processing of transactions, and also provide the opportunity, based on access control, to control operations. Participants will have the opportunity to use more profitable financing options, expand the circle of investors and increase business efficiency.

Fossil trading is just one area where we can see the potential benefits of converting assets into tokens. For example, in international payments, the use of tokens can attract market makers to currency exchange transactions of different values. In real estate, tokenization increases the liquidity of property, as it simplifies its division into shares. And in many other areas, from commercial real estate trading to carbon lending, tokenization is noticeably changing the situation in the market,
said Jason Kelly, CEO of IBM Blockchain Services
