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The first large solar power plants were commissioned in the Sverdlovsk region

Customers: Rosseti Ural (IDGC of Urals)

Yekaterinburg; Power

Product: Comprehensive Engineering Systems Projects

Project date: 2021/01  - 2024/08
Project's budget: 2 700 000 000 руб.

2024: Commissioning of three solar power plants

In the Artinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region, three solar power plants with a total installed capacity of 37.9 MW were put into operation. These are the first large solar generation facilities in the Sverdlovsk Region and the Ural Federal District. The investor of the project was the Hevel group of companies. The volume of investments in the implementation of the project amounted to more than 2.7 billion rubles. Hevel announced this on September 16, 2024.

source = Hevel

The construction of generation facilities began in 2021. Together with PJSC Rosseti Ural, a lot of work was carried out on the technological connection of solar power plants to the grid infrastructure. To provide power, a 110/10 kV Chekmash substation with a capacity of 40 MVA was built.

The projected power generation of solar plants will be about 40 million kWh per year. The work of the SES will reduce losses in the networks during the transmission of electricity and will have a positive effect on the environmental situation in the region, annually reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 14 thousand tons.

The total area of ​ ​ power plants is about 90 hectares, for comparison, 126 football fields occupy the same area. Over 116 thousand heterostructural solar modules of Russian production (Hevel plant), 6 inverter stations were installed at the stations, over 350 km of cable lines were laid.

Heterostructural solar modules combine the advantages of thin-film and crystalline technologies: they are distinguished by high efficiency of electricity generation both in clear and cloudy weather, as well as in extreme temperatures (from -40 ° C to + 85 ° C), have a low temperature coefficient.