Customers: Design office of mechanical engineering of KBM Federal State Unitary Enterprise Kolomna Kolomna; MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Contractors: ASCON Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureProject date: 2007/12 - 2010/12
Project's budget: 50 million rubles. руб.
Number of licenses: 120
The producer of surface-to-air missile missile systems from Kolomna spent 50 million rubles for upgrade of network infrastructure and jobs. The enterprise plans further upgrade of IT systems, in particular, implementation of engineering software. The most part of IT plans of defense industry employees – a military secret.
One of the most important engineering and production centers of the Russian military industrial complex - Federal State Unitary Enterprise Design Office of Mechanical Engineering (Kolomna) – completed creation of a new transmission system and information processing. The Ascon company (the winner of the tender) acted as integrator of a new system. The project budget – 50 million rubles.
It is reported that a new system will provide support of key production processes – from development of design and technology documentation before production management process automation. According to technical specifications the Ascon company completely automated 120 jobs of designers, technologists, estimators and administrators.
The project lasted three years and included setup and adaptation of transmission systems and information processing, creation of the automated jobs and delivery of the different computing and communication equipment. In particular, the general manager the server, application servers, a computing cluster, the PC of a different configuration, graphic stations was created and network equipment of Cisco is set up. For transfer and information processing on different platforms of the enterprise the modern network infrastructure including fiber lines of communication and local computer networks is constructed.
As Rinat Ismagilov specified TAdviser, the technical director "the Ascon-central Russia", in addition to updating of infrastructure of access was the hardware and software is upgraded. Among the new software - an automated design engineering system, a CAD of technology processes, a management system for engineering data, the system of engineering calculations and the analysis, a production management system, Business Process Management Suite and so on.
According to Rinat Ismagilov, this project was only a part of the big program of modernization of pilot production of Federal State Unitary Enterprise KBM. Its main task - automation of design-technology preparation of pilot production. Further upgrade of IT at the enterprise will be continued, but specific projects cannot be called owing to confidentiality terms.
As for Ascon, in 2011 the company will continue collaborations with Federal State Unitary Enterprise KBM in some other projects, including system implementation of management of engineering data of LOTSMAN:PLM. Also there is a project on control automation by production.