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Russian developer of engineering software and integrator in the field of automation of design and production activities. ASCON solutions are used by more than 10,000 enterprises of various sectors of the economy in Russia and abroad.


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees




ASCON is the largest Russian developer of engineering software and integrator in the field of automation of design and production activities. The company's solutions include computer-aided design, engineering data management, and manufacturing management systems.

ASCON software is used by more than 10,000 industrial enterprises and design organizations in Russia and abroad.

Performance indicators

2024: Revenue growth 18% to ₽6,6 billion

The Russian developer of engineering software "ASCON" increased revenue in 2024 by 18% to ₽6,6 billion. The main growth was provided by the supply and implementation of digital solutions for mechanical engineering, which remains a key line of the company's business. Financial results are published in March 2025.

According to the press service of the ASCON group of companies, technological sovereignty remains the determining factor in the digitalization of the real sector of the economy. The volume of direct import substitution, when foreign software changes to ASCON solutions at workplaces, increased by 80% compared to 2023 and by 500% compared to 2021.

Ascon boosts annual revenue by 18%

ASCON CEO Maxim Bogdanov said that the company continues to develop a heavy-class PLM solution based on its own geometric core in order to compete with leading foreign vendors. He stressed that ASCON is developing an integrator business taking into account modern design technologies and methodologies, and also outlined the company's goal to enter the world major league of PLM and BIM solutions suppliers.

At the beginning of 2025, the client base of ASCON has 16,900 corporate customers. Over the year, it increased by 1,100 organizations and enterprises from various industries and construction.

In 2024, the company completed the stages of particularly significant projects to replace foreign software at UEC-Aviadvigatel JSC and Techmash NPK. The ASCON software products have implemented more than 850 functional technical requirements received from high-tech corporations. The company also consolidated joint plans to implement a PLM solution in agreements with the Uralvagonzavod Concern and the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau.

2023: Revenue growth by 47% to RUB 5.6 billion

ASCON, a Russian engineering software developer and IT integrator, summed up 2023. The company's revenue grew by 47% and reached 5.6 billion rubles, the staff increased to 1,250 people. The customer base has been replenished with 1000 enterprises, and as of March 2024, almost 16 thousand customers from all industries and construction are already working with ASCON solutions. This information was shared with TAdviser by representatives of ASCON on March 28, 2024.

According to them, the growth of industrial production, accompanied by investments in digitalization, large infrastructure projects and the country's course towards technological sovereignty, positively influenced the business dynamics.

For the second year in a row, IT is among the top 10 IT suppliers in industry and construction, according to TAdviser.

According to the company, in the traditional market for solutions IT for mechanical engineering ASCON, it continues to increase its share, displacing foreign software. Thus, sales of new licenses for the software complex for product design and lifecycle management (PLM a complex consisting of systems "," Pilot: PLM"," and Polynomial: MDM "Vertical" applications) outstripped sales of updates, and each large contract had new jobs. Compass-3D

In 2023, with the support of the state, especially significant projects were launched aimed at replacing foreign software with Russian solutions. ASCON participates in several such projects and is engaged in the creation of industry digital platforms for general engineering, engine building, shipbuilding.

At the same time as increasing functionality, the translation of solutions to continues. In the Linux PLM complex, which follows the path of cross-platform, the web client engineering data management of the Pilot: PLM system is developing, and is open to testings server part of the MDM Pauline: for Linux regulatory reference information management system.

On the market digitalization of construction , the state acts as a driver with the requirement for the mandatory use of information modeling technology () BIM - first at state order facilities, and now in the commercial sector. In the development segment, the replacement of foreign for ON working with BIM models and organizations is in demand. During the general data environments year, ASCON issued 18 SOD updates/, Pilot-BIM taking into account Pilot-ICE customer requests for BIM model expertise tools, cross-platform, fault tolerance,. safety data The company (Renga Software a joint venture of ASCON and) brought 1C to the market the Renga Professional BIM system with the ability to collaborate on the project in real time.

The integration business area represented by the regional offices of ASCON has increased the number of projects for the implementation of the PLM complex and BIM solutions. With the incorporation of ABM Technologies, an expertise was obtained in the field of import substitution of "heavy" engineering software and a team was formed for system integration in the field of PLM.

An important place in the company's strategy is occupied by the training of engineering personnel and career guidance. Expanding cooperation with advanced engineering schools, in 2023 ASCON became an industrial partner of PISH MSTU Stankin, RTU MIREA and HybridTech of Togliatti State University. A joint Scientific and Educational Center was opened at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the Center for CAD and Design and Technological Training of Production - at St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University.



Deleting a YouTube channel

In mid-August 2024, it became known that video hosting YouTube , without explaining the reasons, removed the channel of the Russian IT company ASCON, a developer software for three-dimensional modeling. Compass 3D This happened during the period of active blocking of Russian channels on the platform.

According to CNews, at the time of removal, the Ascona channel had 28 thousand subscribers and more than 50 thousand views per month. Over the entire history of the channel's existence, more than 6 million views were recorded. The company used the platform to publish video tutorials, webinar recordings and other training material for users of its products.

YouTube removed the channel of the IT company "ASCON"

The head of the marketing department of Ascona, Andrei Mokhov, said that the company had filed an appeal with Google. He also suggested that the removal of the channel could be due to sanctions imposed on ASCON.

In connection with the removal of the channel on YouTube, "ASCON" offers its users alternative platforms for viewing content. All video materials were transferred in advance to the social network Vkontakte"," where they are grouped by playlist. The company also plans to actively develop its channels on Rutube and. Yandex.Zen

The removal of the Ascona channel takes place against the background of the general trend of blocking Russian channels on YouTube. According to Roskomnadzor, in January-August 2024, the service blocked access to 83 Russian channels, which is significantly higher than in previous years.[1]

Opening of a development center in Nizhny Novgorod

ASCON July 25, 2024 announced the opening of a development center in Nizhny Novgorod. This is the third KOMPAS-3D development center - the other two are located in Kolomna and Ryazan. Like their colleagues, employees in Nizhny Novgorod will develop the functionality of the KOMPAS-3D.

We are confident that it is necessary to develop such a complex science-intensive software product as KOMPAS-3D by a well-coordinated team of professionals working side by side. The opening of another offline development center is a logical step in our strategy,
said Igor Volokitin, KOMPAS-3D 's product director.

It is no coincidence that Nizhny Novgorod was chosen as the place for the office - the company ASCON long represented in the region. So, in the city there is a large regional office ASCON - Lower Novgorod, which belongs to the integrator direction and is engaged in customer support. Also in Nizhny Novgorod is the center for the development of the geometric core of C3D (a subsidiary of ASCON C3D Labs).

Another reason to open a development center in Nizhny Novgorod is a developed academic environment. National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseeva and other universities train specialists with the specialized technical education necessary for working in the company.

In addition, it was in Nizhny Novgorod that the internship program for novice programmers proved itself well, so it is planned to continue this practice in 2025.

Opening of a regional office in Irkutsk

The company ASCON on May 17, 2024 announced the opening of a regional office in Irkutsk. He will work with customers - industrial enterprises and organizations of the construction complex of the Irkutsk region, the Republic of Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory. The office in Irkutsk belongs to the company's integrator business area and is part of the Regional ASCON Siberia Center.

The course towards technological sovereignty in all sectors of the real sector of the economy has caused a rapid growth of complex IT projects that require close cooperation between the customer and the implementation partner. With the opening of this office, ASCON will be able to quickly respond to the needs of customers from the Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts and strengthen working relations. Among the priorities are: providing full support for the life cycle of customer products based on domestic digital platforms, replacing foreign CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM systems of medium and heavy class, introducing information modeling technology (BIM-technology) in civil and industrial construction.

Another area of ​ ​ work of ASCON Irkutsk will be the development of the educational program, in particular, cooperation with the leading universities in the region - Irkutsk National Research Technical University and Irkutsk State University of Railways. The office will participate in the organization of the Educational Center for Information Modeling Technology in Construction. The agreement on its creation was signed in 2023 by the Government of the Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk State University of Railways, ASCON, Renga Software and Baikal Telecom.

Our always-on-customer strategy remains the same. In each industrial center, where there is a need for modern design tools, in supporting information systems for production and construction, ASCON specialists work. With the opening of an office in Irkutsk, such support will be even closer and more reliable,
said Anatoly Gurevich, General Director of ASCON-integration Solutions.

The growth of industrial production in the region as a whole, the active interest of enterprises in digitalization, the consistent course on import substitution led us to the decision to open a Irkutsk full-fledged office. Our employees will advise customers locally, accompany all stages of delivery and implementation, software
noted Yulia Barysheva, director of the ASKON-Siberia Regional Center.

Construction line COMPASS for the design of industrial facilities. Solution Overview

The first specialized instrumental applications for the design of industrial facilities appeared at ASCON back in 2002. Since then, they have been constantly expanding and developing, today the company offers its customers a comprehensive ASG solution to provide information modeling technology. One of the key roles in this BIM complex is played by the COMPAS construction line. Read more here.

TAdviser Internet with Dmitry Demin, Director of BIM Division

With the departure of Western vendors, Russian developers are forced to switch to domestic software. Some solutions are in no way inferior to their Western counterparts, but construction companies are in no hurry to move, and when introducing new software, they ask to leave "everything as it is." Dmitry Demin, director of the BIM division of ASCON, in April 2024 spoke about the situation in the market for the design and construction of buildings, and the technologies of the future that are used by advanced developers. Read more here.

ASCON bought Technology ABM

On February 9, 2023, engineering software developer ASCON announced the purchase of Pro Technologies. Financial and other terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Read more here.


Inclusion in the US sanctions list

On November 2, 2023, ASCON was included in the US SDN sanctions list. Read more here.

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the ASCON company. The article about the map can be found here.

TAdviser interview with Dmitry Demin, Director of BIM Division

In 2022, against the background of the departure of Western vendors from Russia, the demand for domestic BIM systems for information modeling in construction soared. Sales of, for example, new licenses of the Ascon Pilot-BIM solution increased by 260%, and customers appear who no longer need hundreds or thousands, but tens of thousands of licenses. Dmitry Demin, director of the BIM division of ASCON, in the TAdviser podcast spoke about how the Russian BIM market is developing, how different it is from the Western one, and in what direction the development of domestic BIM technologies is moving. Below is the audio and text version of the conversation. Read more here.


7th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian industry"

ASCON took 7th place in the ranking of the largest IT suppliers in the industry, built by TAdviser in March 2024 based on companies' revenue from IT projects in this area for 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

6th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

The company "ASCON" is included in the#.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B2.D1.89.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B1.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D1.8B.D1.85_.D0.98.D0.A2-.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9_.D0.B8.D0.B7_.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE_.D0.9F.D0.9E rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of implementation projects and the supply of their own solutions from the register of domestic software for 2022.

Revenue growth by 35% to 3.8 billion rubles

At the end of 2022, ASCON raised 3.8 billion rubles, which is 35% more than a year earlier. Such data were released by the largest Russian engineering software developer on March 23, 2023. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 117 lines (17th line of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).

As they write Sheets"" with reference to the general director of Ascona, Maxim Bogdanov sales from the company in 2022 increased due to the demand for its solutions related to - BIM technology. This is a way of designing buildings that allows you to create a virtual copy of an object and through it access all relevant and reliable information about the object. In particular, sales of the new solution licenses Pilot-BIM increased by 260%, and the number of users of the Renga design system exceeded 1000.

Sales from the company increased due to demand for its BIM solution

Bogdanov associated the rise in demand for such decisions with the need to replace foreign software, the creation of new production facilities and the requirement to use BIM technologies at state order facilities, and in the future in shared housing construction.

In 2022, Ascona had 970 new customers, and their total number reached about 15,000. Among the largest customers of the company are Ural Carriage-Building Plant"," software, Lighthouse"" Baltic Plant and "" Sevmash(included in United Shipbuilding Corporation""), Volgogradneftemash"," FNPC. Titan Barricades"" In addition, in 2022, ASCON entered a new market for itself Uzbekistan as an integrator, Bogdanov said. The company "" ASCON Tashkent will directly work with customers, acting as a partner in the digitalization of engineering and production processes.

According to the newspaper, Ascona's revenue has been growing for three years in a row, but the dynamics have decreased, which, according to Bogdanov, is caused by "a forced pause in the market associated with rebalancing."[2]

10th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software"

The company "ASCON" is included in the#.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B2.D1.89.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D1.81.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.B8.D1.85_.D0.98.D0.A2-.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9_.D0.B8.D0.B7_.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE_.D0.9F.D0.9E rating "The largest suppliers of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of projects for the implementation and supply of third-party IT solutions from the register of domestic software for 2022.

Creating a ASCON Tashkent Company

On April 27, 2022, the Russian manufacturer of engineering software "ASCON" announced the creation of a company in Uzbekistan - "ASCON Tashkent." She will work directly with customers in the country, acting as a partner in the digitalization of engineering and production processes. Read more here.


Revenue growth by 39.7% to 2,803 million rubles

At the end of 2021, ASCON 's revenue amounted to 2,803 million rubles, an increase of 39.7% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 142 place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.

Inclusion in the ranking of the largest IT suppliers in the defense industry

In February 2021, the company ASCON included in the rating of the largest IT suppliers in the military-industrial complex of Russia. Read more here.


Revenue growth by 20% to 2 billion rubles

On February 3, 2021, the ASCON company shared TAdviser with the results of its work for 2020. In the year, the general remote work company took the bar of 2 billion, rubles increasing revenue by 20% compared to 2019. Over the year, the company has 730 new customers, and as of February 2021, more than 13,000 enterprises from different industries and operate with its solutions. industries constructions

Considering the scale of the company and the introduction of its solutions into the production processes of strategically important enterprises, ASCON, the only one of the developers of engineering software, was recognized as the backbone organization of the Russian economy in the field of information technology.

The developer of engineering software "ASCON" in 2020 grew by 20%
To grow by 20% in the year of the pandemic, when the company's business is not related to online services or delivery, we consider this an excellent result. The world saw that it is possible to go through tests with remote work only with a high level of digitalization in all areas. Our customers actively invested in digital, and we helped them in the implementation of projects and user support. We are also planning growth in 2021. The first billion of the company took 25 years, the second - 6 years. We are confident that the doubling of indicators will be achieved faster,
said Maxim Bogdanov, General Director of ASCON

Following his strategy in mechanical engineering, ASCON continued to work on an import-independent software complex for "digitizing" the life cycle of products of the highest level of complexity. Its creation is attended by partners in the Dlavit consortium: NTC APM, Tesis, Eremex and ADEM.

The future "heavy" PLM is based on the principle of evolutionary development of existing solutions. Updated versions of all products constituting the PLM complex have been released: Compass-3D design systems with a set of applications, Pilot: PLM engineering data management system, Vertical process design system, Polinom: MDM regulatory reference information management system. Their implementation and support was provided by 30 regional offices and partners of ASCON.

The updated versions received functionality focused on the design of head products of high-tech industries, including aircraft and shipbuilding.

Compass-3D achieved the maximum increase in surface modeling in 9 years, updated the scenario for working with imported models in a multi-CAD environment. The partner "Compass" application "IOSO-K Optimization" has been developed to find the optimal geometry of structures, topological optimization tools have been added in the APM FEM application.

Pilot: PLM now allows you to manage product requirements, manufacturing processes and operating conditions. For digital support of the operation phase, in conjunction with the C Project company, integration with the Seamatica online electronic technical manual editor was carried out.

"Vertical" and "Polynomial: MDM" implemented the design of technological processes and the release of documentation for materials of their own manufacture.

The demand for developments is confirmed by the commercial results of the year: sales of licenses for products included in the PLM complex increased by 20-40%. 60 projects for the introduction of digital production technologies have started.

The systems of the Compass family arrived at another 5,000 jobs, of which almost 4,000 were occupied by the three-dimensional Compass-3D. The three most popular "Compass" applications included Metal Structures, Shafts and Mechanical Transmissions 3D, Pipelines. The total number of professional users of Compass in February 2021 exceeded 85,000.

The growth of the engineering sector is largely associated with large contracts in the defense industry, nuclear, instrument engineering, and engine building. In the top ten key customers of the year UPKB "Detail" (Tactical Missile Armament Corporation), PO "Mayak" (Rosatom), PO "Sevmash" ( USC), Concern "Oceanpribor."

At the end of 2020, ASCON presented a strategy for creating a domestic software complex for information modeling in construction. It takes into account the peculiarities of both the civil and industrial areas. The software complex is based on proprietary products and a subsidiary of Renga Software:

  • Renga is a comprehensive BIM system for the design of architecture, structures and utilities
  • COMPASS-ТХ - Process Units Design System
  • Pilot-ICE Enterprise - a platform for joint work of participants in investment and construction projects
  • Pilot-BIM - Common Data Environment for Working with Consolidated Information Models

The Pilot-ICE platform and its Enterprise version grew 25% over the year under updated licenses. The number of their corporate users for February 2021 is approaching 400.

Entered the first sales of Pilot-BIM. A large Russian developer from TOP-10, design institutes and engineering companies believed in the product.

The number of companies that chose Renga exceeded 500. The total number of registered users of the system is measured in thousands.

According to the results of the year, the major customers of ASCON in the construction sector included Gazpromneft Terminal, TPS Real Estate Aeroproekt, Urea Research and Design Institute (NIIC) NI and PI Gradplan. Moscow

The import independence and priority of Russian IT solutions are approved in the digital strategies of many industrial corporations. In response to the growing trend, support for the domestic Postgres Pro DBMS was implemented in the Pilot: PLM, Vertical, Polynomial: MDM systems. The ASCON software complex at Postgres Pro was tested at the Perm Mashinostroitel plant.

Next in line is support for domestic operating systems on the Linux platform. Work in this direction is carried out for all products of the PLM complex.

Import substitution is also carried out under the trade-in program: users of outdated foreign systems replace them with the current versions of ASCON software with a discount of up to 65%. In 2020, the program covered 38 enterprises from 22 regions of Russia and Kazakhstan.

In 2021, ASCON continues to move along the road maps of industry strategies.

For mechanical engineering, the next versions of the PLM complex products are being prepared for release, the design tools necessary for aircraft manufacturers have received priority development. A methodology is being developed for joint use with the Russian 1D modeling system Pradis to support the conceptual product design stage.

The construction direction is waiting for an increase in both technology and methodology. server Collision checking and design tools for architects, designers, engineers will appear in the products of the integrated BIM solution. A BIM standard will be released, which customers will be able to use when implementing information modeling.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of Russian IT solutions"

The company ASCON included in the rating "The largest suppliers the Russian IT- solutions by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in May 2021. More. here

Inclusion in the list of backbone organizations

On April 28, 2020, ASCON Russian , an engineering developer, software announced the inclusion in the list of backbone organizations of the Russian economy in the field of, and information technology communications mass communications. The list was approved by the Government Commission for Improving the Sustainability of the Development of the Russian Economy on the basis of proposals Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media RUSSIAN FEDERATION and published on the ministry's website.

The list of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications contains 35 companies from the field of information technology - all of them will be able to count on state support in crisis conditions.

ASCON is the only one on the list to represent the engineering software industry. The company's IT solutions for April 2020 operate at 12,500 enterprises and provide the development and production of industrial products in civil industries and the military-industrial complex, the design and construction of housing, infrastructure, social and industrial facilities.

Commercial versions of the KOMPAS-3D design system are used by more than 80,000 professional engineers as of April 2020, educational and home versions have 350,000 users.

The list of system-forming ones also includes 1C, Abbyy, Infowatch, Galaxy Corporation, Kaspersky Lab, Zyfra, Yandex, etc. Its formation took into account the company's revenue, the development of critical software, participation in the creation of state information systems, and information security.


Revenue growth to 1.7 billion rubles

On March 17, 2020, ASCON announced that the business grew by 7% - revenue amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. Over the year, we have 850 additional corporate customers, and by the end of 2019 the number of enterprises using ASCON solutions reached 12,500.

Revenue growth to 1.7 billion rubles

The planned revenue was achieved thanks to the efforts of three business units and two subsidiaries:

{{quote 'author=said ASCON CEO Maxim Bogdanov' The latest news obliges to make more cautious forecasts for 2020. But over the 30-year history of the company, different things happened, economic conditions changed, sometimes dramatically - and we answered serious challenges over and over again. ASCON will continue to help customers, machine-building enterprises and design organizations with solving their problems and consistently implement the software development plans announced in 2019, }}

For several years now, we have been offering customers to replace foreign programs with ASCON software as part of the Trade-in campaign. Interest in the import substitution program ASCON shows stable growth - in 2019, 42 enterprises took part in the action. KOMPAS-3D systems, COMPAS-Graphic, Pilot: PLM, Pilot: KB replaced foreign ones at more than 800 workplaces.

According to ASCON, the plans for 2020 include the release of the 19th version of the KOMPAS-3D with advanced 3D modeling capabilities, including the construction and analysis of complex curves and surfaces.

In the lifecycle management system PILOT: PLM, product requirements management and testing will appear, in CAD TP VERTICAL and Polynomial: MDM - production management of own materials. The BIM solution was premiered for customers of the construction project, developers, designers and contractors working on information modeling technology. This is Pilot-BIM, a Russian solution for working with consolidated models. Updated versions of the product will be released quarterly.

ASCON products

Conducting the program "Trade-in. Substitution "at 42 enterprises

On April 29, 2020, ASCON announced the results of the import substitution program in 2019.

42 enterprises carried out import substitution of engineering software in favor of ASCON products under the Trade-in program. Substitution. " The replacement included 2D- and 3D design systems, process design systems, product engineering data management systems - a total of 727 licenses.

Results of the import substitution program in 2019

domestic software Enterprises from various industries switched to: manufacturers of space and aviation equipment, machine tools, technological equipment for construction the industry, nuclear power engineering specialists and mining industry design divisions of mining enterprises, industries ship repair and shipbuilding companies. The largest replacement was the delivery of 244 licenses for ASCON to the shipbuilding enterprise: engineering data management system and. Pilot: PLM CAD KOMPAS-3D

The reasons for the transition to the Russian ON customers are the high cost of foreign systems, the refusal of vendors from permanent licenses and the transition to a subscription model, the impossibility of using software due to sanctions restrictions.

According to the program "Trade-in. Replacement "industrial enterprise or project organization can purchase licenses KOMPAS-3D, COMPASS-Schedule, COMPASS-Builder, VERTICAL, PILOT: PLM and Pilot: KB at a discount of 60% and higher from the standard price. To obtain preferential terms of purchase, it is enough for the program participants to present a copy of the license agreement for foreign software released earlier than a certain year, and send an official letter to ASCON with an obligation not to use the replaced software.

"Trade-in. Substitution "

In 2009, ASCON first proposed replacing foreign programs with domestic counterparts as part of the Trade-in campaign. Substitution. " Interest in the stock has been steadily growing since 2015. Then sanctions restrictions pushed to replace foreign solutions of customers, primarily from the military-industrial complex. Then they were joined by manufacturers of civilian products who show interest in import substitution based on the economic benefit supported by the capabilities of ASCON solutions.

2017: Hit by Ukrainian sanctions

On May 16, 2017, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, by his decree, enacted the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) on sanctions against Russian companies and their subsidiaries in Ukraine. In total, 468 legal entities were on the sanctions list, of which 81 were related to the IT sphere. Among the companies that fell under the sanctions were ASCON and the Ukrainian ASCON-KR. Read more here.


As of the end of 2016, the company employs about 650 employees, of which about 250 are engaged in development.

Revenue growth of 11%

ASCON 's revenue in 2016 increased by 11% and amounted to 1.1 billion rubles. TAdviser was told about this in the company in April, noting that this is a new record for turnover for it. The number of ASCON customers in 2016 increased by 800 organizations and in total exceeded 10 thousand.

In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016, the company "ASCON" took 61st place.

The company says that each business area of ​ ​ "ASCON" exceeded the plan and contributed to the overall dynamics of revenue: "Design ASCON System" - the development of CAD systems and solutions for managing design work in construction; "Ascon Business Solutions" - development of products for product lifecycle management; "ASCON Integration" - delivery of engineering software and implementation of complex automation projects.

Number of Ascon product installations at the end of 2016

In terms of products, the company saw 30% growth in CAD TP Vertical and Pilot: PLM jobs in 2016. These are precisely new licenses and workplaces, which means new customers and new automation projects, the ASCON emphasizes.

The unambiguous CAD trend in "ASCON" was called the transition from "Compass-Graphic" to "COMPASS-3D." Three-dimensional design was chosen by 2.5 times more users 2016 year earlier. At the end of 2016, the company also added 4,500 new jobs for the Compass product. Equipment: Pipelines, Equipment: Metal Structures, Mechanics: Springs, Shafts and 3D Mechanical Transmissions are especially popular among enterprises - these applications ended the year with 20-30% growth.

In 2017, the revenue of the C3D Labs division (developer of the geometric core of the same name) from external customers increased by 50%, including the Russian CAD developer Nanosoft and All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics Rosatom.

In the vertical section, a defense-industrial complex has become especially noticeable drivers of growth, where ASCON, when calculating revenue, also includes a nuclear weapons complex. It traditionally uses the entire machine-building line of "ASCON" and was the largest in terms of contracts in 2016, the company notes. At the same time, the share of defense industry in the total revenue structure remained at about the same level as before, TAdviser was told in the company.

Defense industry enterprises invest heavily in the modernization of production, including the engineering circuit, because there is a large and stably financed state defense order as a source of investment in automation, TAdviser explained to ASCON the existence of large contracts in this sector.

The construction sector also made a significant contribution: the rating of the largest contracts for the year included a project to replace foreign CAD with Compass in one of the design institutes, the name of which ASCON does not specify.

Among the new major projects of ASCON in 2016 are the introduction of a standard information system for a nuclear weapons complex at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Kombinat Electrochemical device(""), Rosatom automation of design and technological preparation of production at the A.A. Kulakov Plant (Concern), Granite Electron the introduction of an automated system for design and technological preparation of production at the Serpukhov Plant Metalist Rostec(""), the creation of an automated system for storing technical documentation based on Lotsman: Operation in Tsentrenergogaz"" Gazprom("").

Speaking about the results of the year, ASCON also mentions import substitution. In 2016, the number of jobs where the Compass-3D and Compass-Graphic systems replaced foreign CAD systems tripled compared to 2015.

Import substitution affected various industries and industries. The replacement of foreign CAD with Compass was announced by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft, an example is cited in ASCON. Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant (Roscosmos) has begun the transition to the ASCON complex for the design and management of engineering data. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics abandoned foreign components to develop its own software in favor of a geometric C3D core. In 2016, the Titan-Barricades FNPC introduced a comprehensive ASCON solution for end-to-end design.

The idea of ​ ​ import substitution has recently been perceived skeptically by both users and developers - it has come to an understanding that it is impossible to take and replace imported goods with Russian "on the go." But it has shown its viability a more pragmatic approach: domestic software is chosen based on the benefits for business, because it is profitable and reliable, the company notes.

The company plans to bring Compass-3D v17 to the market, which is expected in April. An important novelty of 2017 should be the Compass-Expert application, designed to automatically check drawings and 3D models, according to ASCON.

In the second quarter, PILOT: PLM 2017 will be released, and in the fall the entire ASCON complex should be updated - Vertical 2017 will be released, and an MDM system for managing regulatory reference information will be premiered, which will combine all ASCON directories in one environment.

The product line for industrial and civil engineering solutions will be replenished with the Pilot-ECM corporate content management system. Together with Pilot-ICE, it will create a comprehensive solution for managing project activities.

ASCON and Voenmekh entered into an agreement on the training of engineering personnel for the defense industry

Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after D.F. Ustinova and the company ASCON signed in early 2016 an agreement on strategic partnership in the field of personnel training for the military-industrial complex. With the help of ASCON software solutions, students will study modern technologies for 3D design and production preparation - in order to apply them to workplaces in the future. For the defense enterprises themselves, strengthening cooperation between VOIMEH and ASCON means an influx of new specialists who are able to competently solve engineering problems using domestic product design and life cycle management systems.

{{main 'Baltic State Technical University VOENMEKH named after D.F. Ustinov (BSTU VOENMEKH


Cooperation between ASCON and VOENMEH began back in the 1990s with the appearance of the COMPASS system in the IT arsenal of the university and has not stood still since then. In 2015, the university equipped with the Complex of Solutions ASCON the Department of East Kazakhstan Region and Air Defense Facilities - the basic department of the North-West Regional Center of the East Kazakhstan Region Concern. "Almaz-Antey

The strategic partnership agreement between ASCON and VOENMEH envisages the creation and development of a unified digital environment based on KOMPAS-3D, VERTICAL, PILOT: PLM, reference books and applications. This approach will allow training in conditions as close as possible to real production. Students will be able to try on the professional roles of designers, technologists, CAD engineers and master in practice the collective work on the product at various stages of its life cycle.


The miracle of import substitution did not happen

In March 2016, Ascon reported on its 2015 results. According to the company, its revenue remained at the level of 2014, breaking the mark of 1 billion rubles. In the total structure of revenue, 69% falls on sales of proprietary software, 23% - on IT services, 8% - on the distribution of software products. Compared to 2014, sales of ASCON 's own software increased by several percent, and IT services decreased.

Against the background of a difficult economic situation, the defense-industrial complex played a significant role in maintaining revenue, as in 2014, for Ascon. The industry's share of the company's sales was 47%. The defense industry enterprises prevail in the top ten customers of Ascona, leading in 2015 in terms of the amount of contracts. It includes NPK KBM, Oceanpribor Concern, SPU-TsKB TM Corporation , Rosatom enterprises - RFNC-VNIIEF, Mayak PO.

The macroeconomic conditions that influenced the industry in 2015 allowed ASCON to expand its sphere of influence and resume dialogue with large industrial corporations that had previously chosen foreign software to solve engineering problems, the company notes. For example, in May 2015, a cooperation agreement was signed with RT-Inform, the IT division of Rostec, in the field of creating, adapting and implementing ASCON solutions at state corporation enterprises.

At the same time, the miracle of import substitution did not happen, otherwise in 2015 there would have been a significant increase in revenue, TAdviser said in ASCON.

While the topic of import substitution of engineering software is mainly words, it is often frankly forgotten. There are statements by officials and managers of state-owned companies and there are real multimillion-dollar purchases of Western software, "Alexander Golikov, founder and chairman of the board of directors of ASCON, told TAdviser.

The founder of ASCON, Alexander Golikov, believes that import substitution of engineering software is still being carried out, mainly in words only

The company notes that, of course, not all foreign products have domestic analogues, for example, in Russia there is no heavy engineering software. At the same time, enterprises often purchase imported products even in cases where they can be replaced by domestic software, they say in ASCON.

As an example, the company cites the purchase of Autodesk software for 200 million rubles.[3] the[4] for Gazprom Design, a subsidiary of Gazprom, in which, according to ASCON representatives, two-thirds of the excess software that can be replaced with Russian products. However, this purchase was subsequently canceled.

Another example is the purchase of AutoCAD for Mosgaz for 12 million rubles.[5] "Ascon" believe that simple AutoCAD, without specialized applications, as in procurement, can be replaced with "Compass-3D" or nanoCAD. Similar purchases - the purchase of AutoCAD software for Gazprom subsidiary MUEC project for 8.6 million rubles.[6] Helicopter Plant Mile for 9 million rubles.[7]

In 2016, ASCON will focus on working on new versions of software that makes up the complex for mechanical engineering: Compass-3D V17, Pilot: PLM 2017, Vertical 2017, Corporate Directories 2017. They will enter the market in early 2017. The company told TAdviser that for the first time in many years they abandoned the principle of releasing new products annually. This is due to the fact that according to the new version of Compass-3D, there is a very large amount of work, and other products are tied to it - Vertical and Pilot: PLM. All three products make up a single complex for mechanical engineering, so they come out synchronously.

ASCON will also continue the intensive development of the new line for construction design. The Pilot-ICE and Renga Architecture systems will be released throughout the year, and the company plans to release a new Renga Structure product for structural design in the fall.

Opening an office in Vladivostok

On November 26, 2015, the press service of ASCON announced the opening of an office in Vladivostok.

The regional office of ASKON will work with customers of the Primorsky Territory, Sakhalin Region and Khabarovsk Territory.

ASKON entered the business area of ​ ​ the ASCON Integration, uniting all regional offices of the ASCONS, which are engaged in the supply of software and the implementation of projects for comprehensive automation of engineering activities of enterprises.

In the Far East, ASCON plans to attract the attention of enterprises of the military-industrial complex and shipbuilding, design organizations of industrial and civil construction, design divisions of mining and processing industries. The presence in Vladivostok is also important for working with those enterprises in the region that are faced with the need for import substitution and are looking for domestic solutions and a reliable supplier.

Anatoly Gurevich, Director of ASCON Integration, said:

- Today, the main tool for meeting the need for automation of engineering activities is the implementation project. A complex IT project cannot be implemented without close interaction with the customer at all stages. To be closer to our customers, to respond more fully and quickly to their needs - for this we go to the Far East. Step availability has always been one of the competitive advantages of ASKON, as evidenced by the presence of our offices in many large industrial centers in Russia, now in ASCON.

Pavel Kirichenko, director of ASKON, said:

- We see our priority as active participation in import substitution of CAD. We have experience in replacing foreign CAD systems with ASCON products, including in the design divisions of large industrial enterprises. Based on it, we will offer customers a developed mechanism and support in the transition to Russian software.

The ASKON plans to develop cooperation with professional public associations and educational institutions of the Far East - within the framework of the educational program "Be an engineer!"


Annual revenue exceeded 1 billion rubles

According to the company's own data, revenue set a record and amounted to 1.08 billion rubles. According to the results of its work in 2014, ASCON showed an increase in revenue of 9.9% compared to 983 million rubles a year earlier.

Foreign Business Development Results

In May 2014, ASCON CEO Maxim Bogdanov told TAdviser about how the company's business is developing in foreign markets, presented, in particular, by the KOMPAS-3D product . Through partners, this solution is available in the markets of Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, as well as in Southeast Asia. KOMPAS-3D is available in two foreign-language versions - English and German, which ASCON itself supports in full.

According to Maxim Bogdanov, the foreign partner network ASCON has several dozen companies. At the same time, unlike where Russia partners, as a rule, specialize in CAD related solutions, abroad this business is mainly carried out by service companies for which sales ON are one of the parallel areas (for example, companies providing automation or engineering services).

If in Russia a significant part of KOMPAS-3D users are large and medium-sized enterprises, then in foreign markets these are mainly small engineering companies, as well as certified engineers who are individual entrepreneurs. Earlier, ASCON also said that its largest customers in Western Europe are manufacturers of machine-building and automotive components, and a large share is also occupied by companies specializing in the field of metal structures and metalworking.

To increase demand for KOMPAS-3D abroad, "ASCON" took up its development, taking into account the needs of foreign customers

According to the general director of ASCON, sales of KOMPAS-3D outside Russia are taking place, but the company has not yet received a significant commercial effect from its withdrawal to foreign markets, which occurred several years ago. In order to qualitatively change this situation, the development of the product is required in accordance with the needs of foreign customers, which differ from the needs of Russian customers, he says.

In addition to local norms and standards for creating products, in different countries the engineering structure is very different, including the structure of industry, the organization of the engineer's work, his preferences for the method of work, etc., explained TAdviser Maxim Bogdanov. And to take this structure into account when developing a product, in his opinion, is the most difficult.

"The structure of the domestic industry followed the path of disaggregating large Soviet enterprises, so even in small companies now the approaches of classical Soviet engineering are still used, and the requirements of an engineer of a large and small company are almost the same. he says. "In Europe, where enterprises were formed according to a different life cycle, the requirements of an engineer for a product are very different depending on the size of the company where he works."

At the moment, ASCON is developing KOMPAS-3D taking into account the systemic needs of foreign customers, says Maxim Bogdanov. After that, the company expects to use new tactics to work in foreign markets.

One of the features of working with KOMPAS-3D abroad, the general director of ASCON notes the fact that, unlike Russian users, Western ones often have to convert the results of other systems into KOMPAS-3D. In this regard, for the foreign market, ASCON, together with its partner, has created a special application that allows you to directly read the files of the main competing systems.

15 Russian enterprises switched from foreign CAD to Compass-3D

In 2014, 15 Russian enterprises took a course towards import independence with ASCON and took part in the Trade-in program. Substitution. " Using a special offer, they replaced foreign CAD products - manufactured by PTC, Siemens, Autodesk - with Compass-3D V15 and Compass-Graph V15 systems. This was reported to CNews by ASCON. The scale of software replacement at one enterprise ranged from one to 42 workplaces. In general, according to the company's estimates, within the framework of the program for replacing foreign CAD systems "ASCON" a total of 85 workplaces were equipped, of which more than 60 were equipped with the Compass-3D system[8]

According to representatives of "ASCON," taking advantage of the offer "Trade-in. Replacement, "an industrial enterprise or project organization may purchase new licenses for the Compass-3D 3D modeling system, Compass-Graphic universal CAD and CAD for the construction of Compass-Builder for just a 35% of the standard price of each of the products. "To obtain preferential terms of purchase, it is enough for program participants to present a copy of the CAD license agreement issued earlier than a certain year and send an official letter to 'ASCON' with an obligation not to use the replaced software in operation," the company explained.

Among the enterprises that replenished the number of participants in the Trade-in program in 2014. Substitution "- companies from Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Tomsk, Cheboksary, Ryazan, Saratov, Perm, Krasnodar and other cities of Russia. One of the participants was the Barnaul company "Save the Grain," specializing in the design of grain cleaning complexes, drying departments, elevators, feed mills. The main specificity of the Save Grain production is the uniqueness of each structural element, however, the development of products from scratch imposes restrictions on the design time and, accordingly, the delivery of a particular object.

According to ASCON, the results of the program over the past year showed that the transition from foreign software to domestic software is relevant not only for representatives of the military-industrial complex, for whom the use of import-independent and protected software products is a priority. Civilian enterprises operating in the real sector of the economy and engaged in the design of new complex products, the replacement of an imported CAD tool with Compass-3D gives impetus to the development and optimization of activities, solves the problems of incomplete adaptation of foreign systems to Russian standards, eliminates the need to reschedule budgets due to constant price increases, the company emphasized.


Revenue growth by 4% to RUB 983 mln

The company's revenue in 2013 amounted to a record 983 million rubles, which is 4% more than a year earlier. In 2013, Ascon performed worse than the IDC forecast, which expected 15% growth from the CAD/PLM industry. A year earlier, the developer, on the contrary, emphasized that he managed to double IDC's forecast, which at that time was 18% growth for the industry.

Development of the system integration direction

In May 2013, as part of improving the efficiency of existing business areas at ASCON, the company is changing the management system of its own implemented sales network, told TAdviser in ASCON.

The updated strategy of the implementation and marketing business involves strengthening integrator competencies, expanding the product portfolio and changing the management system. Currently, the project has the working title "ASCON Integration." This structure was headed by Anatoly Gurevich, who previously held the position of sales director at Ascon.

According to Gurevich, ASCON Integration will unite about 30 existing offices of the company located in different regions, which will focus exclusively on working with the customer. About half of the staff of ASCON Integration will be sales specialists, the second half will be project implementation specialists.

ASCON Integration will deliver software, provide consulting services for the implementation of CAD, act as an integrator and provide technical support to customers.

"ASCON Integration" should become a major integrator in the market with a specialization in CAD, supplying the customer with finished solutions of a qualitatively new level, "says Gurevich

For this, the company is ready to supply not only proprietary software solutions, but also solutions from third-party vendors, he adds. According to Anatoly Gurevich, several partnership agreements have already been signed for this purpose. In particular, the company will be able to supply ALtium Designer software for the design of electronic devices based on printed circuit boards (it is distributed in Russia by Nanosoft), Simufact specialized settlement software (CAE), as well as CAM - Esprit, developed by DP Technology (distribution in Russia - LO CNITI).

In the future, it is planned to develop similar cooperation with other developers, adds the head of ASCON Integration.

2012: Opening of the first foreign representative office

In February 2012, ASCON announced the opening of the first international representative office - ASCON Software Germany GMBH in Munich. The company's European office will focus on supporting local partners and customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The priority in its work will be to expand and increase the efficiency of the partner network.

According to ASCON CEO Maxim Bogdanov, the company conducted a thorough analysis of foreign markets and came to the conclusion that the DACH region (Germany-Austria-Switzerland) with a developed industry, demand and purchasing power is the most attractive for activating business in Europe.

Previously, the flagship product ASCON KOMPAS-3D system was already localized and adapted and, as stated in ASCON, "has become recognizable in the local market." ASCON have been actively work in the international market since 2006. According to TAdviser in ASCON, at the time of opening a representative office in Germany, the company has about 150 clients abroad, most of which are concentrated in Europe (Germany, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia).

ASCON does not exclude that after Munich, official representative offices of the company can be opened in other cities of Europe, in particular, in Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria

The dealer network in Europe at the time of opening an office in Germany is about 30 partners, of which only 8 companies operate in the Germany-Switzerland-Austria region. ASCON does not plan to switch to direct sales in the European market yet. Employees of the Munich office will focus on training partners in products and methods of working with customers.

The general director of the Munich representative office is ' Uwe Rüttgers.' Ruettgers is the founder and former CEO of the successful telemarketing agency Opti-Sale Marketing GmbH, since 1995 he has implemented more than 480 marketing projects, and in 2007 concentrated his efforts on the international consulting business, ensuring business development in Germany for foreign companies.

It is likely that in the future, ASCON representative offices will appear in other countries. "Yes, we are looking at other European countries. So in Eastern Europe - Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria - we already have stable and qualified partners, whom we support and develop. From our point of view, the US market requires a special approach and development strategy, which we also need to reflect on in the medium term, "Olga Kalyagina, spokeswoman for ASCON, commented to TAdviser .

Revenue from sales of ASCON solutions in foreign markets in 2011 amounted to 150 thousand euros. This is not much, but in the future, the company believes, this figure will increase.


Positive results of the year

In 2010, the company announced the expected sales volume for 2011 in the amount of 800 million rubles. This figure could not be achieved - the sales volume in 2011 amounted to 707 million rubles. The company associates this with a slower than expected recovery in the market after the crisis. Nevertheless, the ASCON is satisfied with the results obtained: the growth compared to 2010 was 7%, new clients have appeared (currently the customer base has more than 7,000 enterprises in different areas), new software solutions have been released.

74% of ASCON's revenue came from proprietary software, 18% from services and 8% from partner products.

According to the results of 2011, the volume of sales through the ASCON partner channel increased by 15%, including the level of sales through distributors - by 82%.

61% of the revenue was provided by implementations in the field of engineering, in second place - design in industrial and civil construction (32%), the rest of the industries accounted for 7% of the company's revenue.

In 2011, the metallurgy industry (both ferrous and non-ferrous) showed very good growth - growth in this area was about 70%. Good dynamics was also in the field of education, power, nuclear and chemical industries, a small increase was recorded in mechanical engineering and implementations in design bureaus.

Negative dynamics in relation to 2010 was shown by implementations in design institutes and in the oil and gas industry. Maxim Bogdanov explained this by the fact that large projects ended in these industries last year, and new implementations are just being prepared and, accordingly, they cannot be included in the reporting.

The most popular among ASCON products in 2011 was the COMPAS-Graphic software package (including Compass-SPDS) - 2578 licenses of this product were sold (an increase of 2% compared to 2010). The KOMPAS-3D system (including the update from COMPASS-Schedule) is in second place - 2421 licenses (12% growth). 2076 licenses for the KOMPAS-3D service pack were also sold (44% growth), 2001 licenses for the Pilot complexes: PLM, Pilot:PGS and Pilot: ORD (23% growth). Separately, it is worth noting that out of 2001 licenses for the PILOT 1000 complexes fall on the Pilot:PGS system, released in 2011.

Process CAD VERTICAL has been in demand for several years. In 2011, 744 licenses for this product were sold. The growth compared to 2010 was 12%.

In 2011, ASCON entered the B2C software solutions market for the first time, releasing a home version of the COMPASS 3D product. This is a boxed solution that almost completely repeats the "big" version of the product. The only restriction is a ban on the use of the program for commercial purposes (for profit). According to company representatives, the product was received with interest and is in stable demand.

In 2011, major contracts were implemented at Tatneft, TsNII Gidropribor, Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk, Okeanpribor, TsKB TsKB TM (heavy engineering).

Corporate agreements have been concluded with the Criminal Code,,,, and Mechel Severstal UMMC-Holding PhosAgro the state corporation. Rosatom

Conflict with developers who created the new SDI Solution company

In February 2011, six key developers of CAD Vertical left ASCON to create their own company SDI Solution. The head of the development team, Andrei Andrichenko, who headed the new company, called CNews the main reason for parting with Ascon[9] force the discrepancy with its leadership in views on the ideology and prospects of the product.

"We left because we do not see the prospects for innovative development of the technological direction in Ascon," added Andrichenko. To date, according to his information, only Vertical user support specialists remained in Ascon.

The rights to the Vertical brand and its source code belong to Ascon. SDI Solution recognizes this and plans to create a new product with similar functionality, which is now codenamed "Horizontal."

As they say in SDI Solution, the separation of the Vertical team from the Ascon of team was "quite civilized": the company's management recognized the moral right of some of its developers to leave. According to the general director of "Ascon" Maxim Bogdanov, the developers of "Vertical" did not agree that the product is considered primarily as part of the complex solution "ASCON" for mechanical engineering. "The team was interested in more freedom of action and decided to implement their plans outside the company," he says.

Divorce from the main developers of "Vertical" does not mean the termination of work on its development, assured Bogdanov CNews. The support and development of the system, he said, was transferred to the Ascona division in Kolomna, and a new version of Verticale will be released in 2012 in accordance with the two-year product update cycle.

According to SDI Solution, as of March 2011, about 4.5 thousand legal copies of "Vertical" are used. According to the report of Ascona CEO Maxim Bogdanov, in 2010 the company sold 705 product licenses, or 26% more than in 2009. Ascona told CNews that the share of Vertical revenue in Ascona's income is approximately 5%. Based on the financial results of the company, in 2010 this amount could be expressed in 33 million rubles. with gross revenue of the entire company 662.9 million rubles.

In early July 2011, it became known that the conflict between the domestic CAD developer ASCON and the team of its former employees, who recently created their own company SDI Solution, is nearing completion. After exchanging scathing statements last month, both sides of the scandal surrounding Semantic, SDI's flagship Solution product, have slowed down. Speaking to CNews, they cautiously expressed a desire for pre-trial reconciliation.

"We are ready to discuss joint ways out of the current situation," Olga Kalyagina, an official representative of Ascona, told CNews.

Andrei Andrichenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SDI Solution, says that SDI is ready to draw up an amicable agreement on the removal of claims in pre-trial order if ASCON "recognizes the fact of violation of competition law." According to a source close to SDI, the company would welcome a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The mutual claims package of Ascona and its former employees belongs to the first flagship product of the startup SDI Solution: the Semantic regulatory reference information management system.

In June 2011, Ascon reacted with doubt to the news of the release of Semantic. The CAD developer suggested that the SDI team did not have enough time to create their own product, and, therefore, when developing Semantic, "Ascon's intellectual property was taken as a basis."

Interestingly, the Semantic developers themselves on their own website call the prototype of their product UTS (Universal Technological Reference Book), which is part of the Vertical CAD, created by the same development team that now makes up SDI Solution.

However, Andrei Andrichenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SDI Solution, emphasizes that this is the first "Master Data Management () class system MDM built using semantic technologies and adapted to the conditions of domestic engineering." According to him, the refusal of the management of Ascona from this direction of work was one of the reasons for the developers to leave for their own company: "The management was not interested in this direction, the management of corporate reference data of the enterprise, and we see a key trend in it - mainstream."

After the launch of Semantic, an official representative of the company said that "Ascon will necessarily conduct an examination (of the licensed purity of Semantic - approx. CNews) and will prepare documents for going to court, because theft should be punishable." As far as CNews is aware, these words expressed the position of part of the top management of Ascona.

SDI, for its part, at the same time assured CNews of the licensed purity of Semantic's source codes, and accused Ascon of unfair competition. On July 1, 2011, SDI CEO Sergei Gorokhov published an open letter (download PDF) to the management of the former employer, in which he once again confirmed the purity of his product and told several unpleasant facts from the story of Ascona. Judging by the open letter, during the work of the current SDI employees on the Vertical CAD in Ascona, "the team of programmers was denied authorship for this software product."

In particular, the refusal to recognize copyright, as well as the "lack of development prospects" became the main reasons for the outcome of the Vertical developers from Ascona in early 2011.

By the fall of 2011, the SDI Solution development team will add two more components of the software complex to the already written Semantic: CAD Timeline and AWS of labor and material rationing, after which the SDI Solution software complex will approach the Vertical in functionality.

Meanwhile, Ascona continues to support and create the Vertical itself. ASCON plans to prepare its next release by 2012. The company told CNews that "the product has been transferred to the development center in Kolomna, has been taken into operation and will develop in accordance with the plans of Ascon."

2010: Sales growth of 22%

In 2010, ASCON income grew by 22% and amounted to 662.9 million rubles. The basic software products of the company: KOMPAS-3D systems, VERTICAL, PILOT: PLM - showed an increase in license sales from 26 to 59%.

The number of commercial customers of ASCON - enterprises of various sectors of the economy - exceeded 6,000. Another 1,180 universities, colleges and professional lyceums use the company's software products to educate students as part of ASCON "Be an Engineer!" education program.

In the structure of the company's income, more than 70% are occupied by sales of its own. software At the same time, the number of commercial licenses sold for the three-dimensional modeling system KOMPAS-3D increased by 38%, CAD technological processes - VERTICAL by 26% and engineering data management systems - by PILOT: PLM 59%.

An important component of the successful result was the work of ASCON partners - dealers and distributors. Sales through the partner channel grew by 30% over the year.

In terms of vertical markets, 70% of software sales were for engineering and instrumentation products, 30% for industrial and civil engineering software.

  • Sales volume - 662.9 million rubles
  • Customer base - more than 6,000 enterprises
  • Sales Structure: Software (81%) and Services (19%)
  • 70% of software sales - solutions for design and production in mechanical engineering and instrumentation
  • 30% Software Sales - Industrial and Civil Engineering Design Solutions
  • The share of the partner network in revenues from the sale of software is 37%.

The company was focused on working with enterprises in the defense and nuclear industries, oil and gas complex, petrochemicals and metallurgy. The choice of industry priorities has paid off. Major contracts have been concluded for the supply and implementation of computer-aided design systems with DOAO Tsentrenergogaz OJSC GAZPROM, FSUE TsKB Heavy Engineering (ROSCOSMOS), FSUE State Ryazan Instrument Plant, OJSC Perm Plant Mashinostroitel (military-industrial complex NPO Mashinostroitel). The project to create an information exchange system for FSUE KB Mechanical Engineering worth 50 million rubles has been completed. Corporate agreements were signed with Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern OJSC, VEGA Radio Engineering Concern OJSC, Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk LLC.

The share of state customers: state corporations, state enterprises and institutions, defense holdings - in the company's income amounted to 38%. The growing demand for ASCON solutions is shown by private industrial companies operating in competitive markets.

As the main events of the year, ASCON names the transition of its flagship product KOMPAS-3D to the class of hybrid modeling systems, the launch of the Pilot:PGS project data management system on the market and the launch of a commercial service for accessing KOMPAS-3D using the SaaS model (software as a service).

In 2011, ASCON is aim for a serious breakthrough in order to achieve a turnover of 800 million rubles. All sales channels of the company will work for this result: 30 own ASCON offices, franchisee partners, distributors and online software stores, retail chains.

The company expects a recovery in customer investments in automation and plans to increase marketing activity both in the promotion of "boxed" software products of the KOMPAS-3D line, and in the field of design and integrator business.

The release of new versions of ASCON software products took place according to the plan:

  • May - KOMPAS-3D V13, 3D Modeling System
  • August - COMPASS-SPDS V13, computer-aided design system for construction
  • October - KOMPAS-3D V13, 3D modeling system for foreign markets.

ASCON intends to expand the scope of its competence in mechanical engineering from the traditional design and technological preparation of production towards production itself. In the fall, the company will present the GULF STREAM production planning and management system.

The ASCON strategy is to combine the benefits of the software developer and integrator. Today, the company has a professional line of software products, a powerful development team, comprehensive industry IT solutions, a developed training, support and technical support infrastructure.

In 2011, ASCON announced that it plans to develop not only software development, but also provide system integration services. In an interview with TAdviser, the general director of the company Maxim Bogdanov noted that work is already underway on system integration, for example, at TATNEFT. While the company is implementing solutions that do not compete with its own developments. However, in the future, according to the head of ASCON, system integration services will develop, including the implementation of competing solutions, if this is provided for by the customer's project.

At the moment, integration and education services together bring companies about 18% of income, which is relatively small. The company expected that this share would grow in the future.
