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LAB Industries moved from SAP to "1C"

Customers: Lab Industries (formerly Henkel Russia) Lab Industries

Consumer goods

Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2022/03  - 2024/08

2024: Transition from SAP to 1C

LAB Industries moved from SAP to 1C. The technology partner was Axenix, which announced this on September 17, 2024.

The project, which started in 2022, covered four key systems: the main ERP system, the document management system, the Human Resources and Salary Management (RM) module, and the Warehouse Inventory Management (WMS) system. The implementation of the project allowed LAB Industries to improve operational efficiency and adapt to rapidly changing external conditions, including the termination of support for SAP solutions previously used by the company. 1C solutions were implemented at 11 plants in three main areas of the company's activity: adhesive technologies, household chemicals and cosmetics.

The transition from SAP to 1C allowed LAB Industries to receive system updates from the vendor, issued in connection with changes in Russian legislation, as well as to maintain a high level of management reporting due to improvements to business needs.

An important part of the project was the training and support of users: more than 200 employees of the company - process owners and key users - took part in the 1C implementation process, ensuring the translation of knowledge and skills to all other users of the system. Training courses in Russian were created and actively used, which greatly facilitated adaptation to the new system.

Another feature of the project was the successful implementation of five separate installations of the WMS system, each of which is adapted to the unique requirements of the company's warehouses, including integration with robotic systems at facilities in Perm and Engels.

The project took 14 months, after which 4 months passed in HyperCare mode, when support was provided by Axenix. As of September 2024, the system was put into productive operation and transferred to support the internal IT team. In total, more than 2,000 business requirements were implemented, including more than 300 developments.

We have achieved excellent results in system performance in terms of processes and user experience. During the implementation process, special attention was paid to smooth integration and adaptation of all employees to changes - thanks to this approach, more than 1200 employees are already working in the system. The Axenix team selected to implement and support the system has extensive experience with ERP systems and has played an important role in ensuring a successful transition, "said Oleg Znamensky, Chief Information Officer, LAB Industries.