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Softline equipped "Montenegrin Technical School of Industry Technologies"

Customers: Montenegrin Technical School of Industrial Technologists

Chernogorsk; Education and Science

Contractors: Softline
Product: Delivery of computer equipment

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Delivery of equipment for specialized classrooms of the technical school

Softline Group of Companies (PJSC Softline) implemented a project to equip the Montenegrin Technical School of Industry Technologies in the Republic of Khakassia. The company announced this on September 18, 2024. Softline Group of Companies supplied equipment for specialized classrooms of the technical school, which is an educational cluster in the Pedagogy industry within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism" and trains students - future teachers.

The state budgetary professional educational institution "Montenegrin College of Industry Technologies" announced a competition for the supply of equipment for the educational cluster, having received a grant in the form of subsidies from the federal budget for the provision of state support for the development of educational clusters of secondary vocational education within the framework of the federal project "Professionalism." The victory in the competition was won by Softline Group of Companies.

The cluster on the basis of the Montenegrin College of Sectoral Technologies includes the specialties "Preschool Education," "Teaching in Primary Classes," "Special Preschool Education," "Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education."

Within the framework of the project, Softline Group of companies delivered interactive and computer equipment, digital laboratories, a speech therapy complex, equipment for 3D modeling, mobile virtual reality classes, a climatic chamber for growing plants and conducting research. The specialists of the group of companies also equipped a language room for the classes of future teachers.

We are glad to participate in the implementation of projects that have special social significance and are aimed at the development of children and youth. The technical school employs qualified teachers who are interested in creating an innovative environment for students. Our team has helped create a high-tech educational space where educators educate students and develop their competencies using cutting-edge solutions. The ability to navigate the latest technologies will make it easier for graduates to immerse themselves in the specialty, help them become professionals in their field, because it is the teachers who create the basis of knowledge and values ​ ​ for the new generation, "said Natalya Yurasova, head of business development at the complex projects department of Softline Group of Companies.

Participation in the federal project "Professionalism" makes it possible for educational organizations to innovate and improve the student education process, taking into account the opinion of employers. With the help of Softline Group of Companies, we equipped classrooms with high-quality equipment, receiving the necessary consultations during the work. Together, we are forming a modern educational environment in which future teachers gain knowledge and hone skills in order to further educate the younger generations themselves, "said Natalya Polikarpova, director of the Chernogorsk College of Industry Technologies.