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Hybrid Platform

Developers: Hybrid
Last Release Date: 2024/09/18
Branches: Advertising, PR and Marketing
Technology: CMS - Content Management Systems

2024: Ability to record conversions separately

Hybrid has added the ability to separately record conversions to its platform for launching programmatic advertising. This feature will allow you to more deeply analyze the data of the advertising campaign, as well as see what events occur in it. The company announced this on September 18, 2024.

Hybrid Platform is an Ad-Tech ecosystem that allows you to fully build a programmatic infrastructure for self-running ads, which provides reduced operating costs and complete integration without data loss.

The Hybrid Platform ecosystem consists of several tools for planning, launching and analyzing campaigns: Hybrid Insights has strategic planning available for the volume of future marketing campaigns, in Hybrid Console - Optimizes, quickly launches, and manages ad campaigns across all devices, and Hybrid Reports provides detailed real-time analysis and reporting of campaign results.

Prior to the Hybrid Console upgrade, customers were only available to view the total number of conversions across all audiences that are in the ad campaign. This feature allows customers to individually read each action for different audiences. For example, you can divide users into those who just put the item in the cart and those who made the purchase, and separately calculate the conversion for each group.

This will allow customers to more efficiently optimize advertising campaigns and get more accurate results.

The ability to separately count conversions will be available to all our customers after the Hybrid Console update. This separation will allow you to obtain more accurate information for each action performed by the user. This will help you see how well each of the stages of the sales funnel works and optimize them if necessary, "said Svetlana Drugova, Head of Product at Hybrid.