Scanner Document
The role of document flow in companies is gradually changing. Ten years ago, the scanning process was primarily an administrative task and was usually the final stage of the business process. After the document was processed, the results were sent to the central scanning device so that the document could be placed in digital archives. At that stage, the scanners performed a fairly simple and understandable task - roughly speaking, the function of a copying machine. The catalogue of Office equipment is available on TAdviser.
In recent years, due to the growing importance of modern business process management methods, the role of scanners has undergone significant changes. Increasingly, business processes are using digital tools to increase business efficiency and productivity. To ensure the most efficient information flows, all applications must be fully integrated during the scanning process - all paper documentation must be digitized on time so that it can be easily used in other business processes. And it is here that scanner documents appear on the stage - they can be compared with the interface between the physical and digital world.[1]
The new role assigned to the scanner document arose with a change in conditions - in particular, the scanners have now moved from office space to staff desks. All this is due to the requirement that paper documents should be digitized and integrated into business processes as soon as possible, sometimes even before the end of the meeting with the customer.
Gradually penetrating the offices of more and more new employees, scanners must now meet all new requirements. They should occupy a minimum of space, while working quickly and silently, and most importantly, they should be easy to use. In addition, they should be ready for work almost instantly, without the need to wait until the scanner "warms up." As the use of scanners increases, the introduction of intelligent energy-saving features is also an unquestionable advantage. That is why the transition to LED lamps is on the agenda of the next two to three years.
However, with the advent of new tasks that modern scanners must perform, not only the requirements for the devices themselves have changed. The requirements for the manufacturers of these scanners have also changed - now these enterprises are responsible for a key element of the document management process, that is, they must develop and present to users something more than just a scanner. In essence, scanner manufacturers become solution providers that are customizable to customer requirements. Manufacturers should fully understand the needs of their customers, and present solutions that provide customers with the optimal means to fulfill their business tasks. As a result, scanner manufacturers are increasingly working with system developers with expertise in document management.
By the way, among all European countries this trend is most developed in Germany. Users in Germany were among the first to move scanners from offices to desks. This is partly due to the presence in the country of a large number of software vendors specializing in the creation of document management systems for medium-sized companies, which occupy a significant market share.
For PFU, which leads the desktop scanner market and accounts for more than 50% of the desktop scanner market and just under 50% of the entire scanner market, this trend opens up opportunities to occupy a new niche - the enterprise content management market. One way or another, scanner suppliers have a small, but invaluable psychological advantage, because scanners are perhaps the easiest and most understandable element in the process of document management. As a result, the implementation of document management systems often begins with a scanner - a device that combines electronic data, paper documents and a person.
Scanners (Russian market)
Main article: Scanners (Russian market)