Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Rosseti creates a system for recording the state of 10 thousand fuel and energy complex facilities on the basis of 1C

Customers: Federal Grid Company - Rosseti

Moscow; Power

Product: 1C: Industrial Safety - Industrial Safety

Project date: 2024/10  - 2025/06

As TAdviser discovered, Rosseti decided to create an automated information system for recording the state of the company's fuel and energy complex facilities. In September 2024, it announced a corresponding purchase with a maximum contract price of 96 million rubles[1]

This purchase is carried out to ensure the safety of power grid facilities, - said TAdviser in Rosseti. - The system will be developed, implemented and supported exclusively by Russian companies using domestic software and equipment.

The software and hardware complex, which will be created, is designed to automate the activities of employees of the security unit of the executive apparatus, branches and subsidiaries of Rosseti, who organize and monitor the implementation of requirements for ensuring comprehensive security and eliminating incidents at the facilities of the Rosseti fuel and energy complex, is indicated in the terms of reference for the competition published on the Procurement portal of the EIS.

source = "Rosseti"
It will be possible to manage incidents related to fuel and energy facilities from mobile devices

It also provides data that Rosseti, one of the world's largest power grid holdings, includes 43 subsidiaries and affiliates, including 16 distribution grid companies. And the Rosseti security unit is responsible for organizing and ensuring physical security of about 10 thousand fuel and energy complex facilities, developing and implementing systems and technologies to protect facilities from illegal entry, threats and impacts.

According to Rosseti standards published in the public domain, the company's fuel and energy complex facilities include various types of power plants, substations, heat and power plants, backup power supplies, diesel generator plants, network management centers, dispatch centers, etc.

Within the framework of the software and hardware complex implementation, the following processes should be automated:

  • Accounting and updating of passports of fuel and energy complex facilities;
  • Accounting and control of elimination of comments from regulators regarding fuel and energy facilities;
  • Interaction with branches and subsidiaries in terms of monitoring the state of fuel and energy facilities and elimination of comments;
  • Collection of operational information on acts of illegal interference;
  • Secure interaction in terms of meeting the requirements for ensuring the integrated safety of fuel and energy facilities;
  • Operational support from the emergency and recovery repair (transfer switch) security services.

It is assumed that the hardware and software complex will be implemented on the basis of the software product "1C: Production safety. Industrial Safety "with maximum use of typical functionality.

The boundaries of the project include 4 subsystems: accounting for fuel and energy complex facilities, incident control, system technical infrastructure, ensuring the security of confidential information, as well as the development/refinement of a mobile solution and integration with 1C: Bus.

The mobile application of the employee of the security unit branch/subsidiary should provide a variety of functions. Among them: the ability to log into the system from mobile devices by participants of operational groups responsible for collecting information about the incident; creating an incident card containing the necessary list of data about it, and editing it; downloading media files of recording (photo, video) of incident data; indication of the responsible person at the scene of the incident, including his contact details; incident status management, etc.

The mobile application for the task force should be implemented for the Android platform, follows from the terms of reference. It will have access to the hardware and software complex from the Internet over a secure channel (VPN, mTLS).

Moreover, the requirements stipulate that the mobile application of an employee of the task force should be installed on personal Android devices.

Commissioning of the system is scheduled for the second quarter of 2025. And they plan to sum up the results of the competition for the choice of the Rosseti performer in mid-October 2024.
