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Servicepipe: Antibot

Developers: ServicePipe
Last Release Date: 2024/09/24
Branches: Information security,  Education and science,  Trade,  Financial services, investment and audit
Technology: Information Security - Antiviruses

2024: Implementing Custom Rules

Servicepipe has updated the functionality of bot management. Antibot implemented the Custom Rules feature, which provides granular (flexible) configuration of traffic filtering. The company announced this on September 24, 2024.

Now clients can independently create profiles of the behavior of the filtering system in relation to any type of traffic, taking into account the large number of request parameters and whether the protected web resource is under a DDoS attack or not.

As of September 2024, Servicepipe customers have already begun testing Custom Rules functionality. The most interesting updated functionality of Antibot aroused among e-com (25% of all connections), financial organizations (13.7%), educational institutions (12.9%). There are those who prefer to entrust the configuration of filtering systems to the company's specialists and have not connected the new function.

Our customers, who previously used solutions of leading foreign players to filter traffic, note that Antibot is more convenient and flexible than foreign analogues, "said the team of the control panel development team and product owner Sergei Andrienko." This once again confirms that we are developing our solution in the right direction and import substitution of the local market in our segment.