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Plant "Togliattimoloko" launched labeling using "Contour"

Customers: Togliattimoloko

Togliatti; Food industry

Contractors: SKB Kontur
Product: Contour Marking

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Implementation of "Contour. Marking"

The Togliattimoloko plant launched labeling using the Contour, which announced this on September 24, 2024.

The plant sells milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, mummer, Snezhok, butter and other goods in the Samara and Ulyanovsk regions.

Togliattimoloko has been cooperating with Kontur JSC since 2014: as necessary, it has introduced services for working with retail chains, for electronic document management, for reporting to state product control systems.

The plant began to prepare for the introduction of mandatory labeling of dairy products back in 2020. When it started in 2021, integrators for equipment were chosen for a long time, but they decided to request a service for working with labeling from a proven supplier.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = said Alexander Dyudyukin, Head of Control Systems Automation at Togliattimoloko JSC.

To associate accounting system 1C ON with the equipment in production, the module Kontur.Markings for 1C was installed. The operator in 1C creates a production order, based on it An honest sign , marking codes are automatically generated in and tasks are uploaded to automated lines. The codes are applied to the goods, checked for errors and sent a report on the application to the module for 1C. From there data , they are transferred to the Fair Sign, and the goods are put into circulation.

Togliattimoloko worked out all the processes in advance, so the start of mandatory labeling took place imperceptibly for the enterprise.

{{quote 'author = added Alexander Dyudyukin, Head of the Control Systems Automation Department of Togliattimoloko JSC. | We compared labeling solutions from Contour with others. In the Contour service, everything is more loyal and more logical. The bundle of services - EDI, Diadoc, Marking, Mercury and Mutual settlements - speeds up, simplifies work at times, automates many processes and helps to comply with the law,}}