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Consid.WMS launched in the logistics center of the Pobeda grocery chain in Samara

Customers: Victory Ulyanovsk


Product: ConsID WMS (ранее Open Source HH.WMS OHE.WMS)

Project date: 2024/07  - 2024/08
Number of licenses: 70

2024: Consid.WMS implementation at Samara warehouse

Consid has implemented the Consid.WMS warehouse management system at the logistics center of the Pobeda retail chain in Samara. Consid announced this on September 24, 2024.

Within the framework of the project, full automation of all warehouse zones (groceries, fruits and vegetables, alcohol, frozen products and others) was implemented, in each of which the algorithms for working with the goods are configured to take into account the specifics of acceptance, storage and selection in each zone (temperature regime, shelf life, weight goods, etc.). Integration with the Honest Sign system allows you to process goods with marking in full compliance with the requirements of the law.

Consid.WMS has also been integrated with the Transport Management System (TMS). The WMS system calculates the quantity of cargo carriers required to fulfill the order for different types of containers (thermal boxes, rolls, pallets, stands), transmits data to TMS, where flights are formed, which are loaded back to WMS. The Consid.WMS system allows you to automatically track the occupancy of cargo carriers and form tasks for their merger. Thus, almost 100% occupancy of vehicles is achieved, which, together with the optimization of routes, leads to a decrease in transport costs. Additional control of the formed cargo carriers is implemented by weight in the order consolidation zone, while the orders are checked only when the control weight differs from the calculated one, which significantly reduces the time for checking orders and increases the speed of shipments.

The project was implemented in a short time (1 month) according to its own implementation methodology developed by Consid, which includes the development of a TA, basic configuration of the system and refinement of additional processes, preparation of instructions and materials for training, commissioning, author's supervision, transfer of the system to technical support. The volume of supplied software is 50 licenses for data collection terminals and 20 web licenses.