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2024: Appointment as CEO of NGO CIS

Vitaly Misuragin headed JSC "Scientific and Production Association" Critical Information Systems "(NGO CIS; included in the structures of Rosatom). This is evidenced by the data of the Kontur. Focus service, which TAdviser got acquainted with at the end of September 2024.

According to the same Kontur. Fokus, "Vitaly Misuragin began to lead the NGO KIS instead of Alexei Titarenko. Rosatom clarified to Kommersant that Titarenko would not leave the state corporation, but would take up another direction within the company. What exactly is not specified.

source = Rosatom Media Photo Bank
Rosatom The developer electronic engineers of NPO KIS, which is part of the "," replaced the general director

According to the representative of Rosatom, NGO CIS includes ensuring the technological independence of critical information infrastructure (CII) facilities, for this the organization seeks to attract new engineering personnel, as well as specialists with organizational experience.

Director of the Consortium of Russian Storage Developers (RosStorage; this association includes MCST, Norsi-Trans, Baikal Electronics, etc.) Oleg Emeraludov, in a conversation with the newspaper, suggested that Titarenko could not cope with the negotiations on the purchase of companies. According to the interlocutor of the publication, with the appointment of a new general director of the NGO, KIS will resume a number of negotiations, since the task of creating a single organization for the production and development of finished equipment has not been removed from the state corporation.

Oleg Emeramrudov noted that in fact, NGO KIS was supposed to organize a full cycle of electronics development, from a processor to software for supplying a finished solution to the public sector, and for this the state allocated a budget to Rosatom.

One of Kommersant's sources in the electronics market claims that Misuragin will temporarily take over as CEO of NGO KIS.[1]
