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RCC and FIAN: Quantum Computer

Developers: FIAN - Lebedev Institute of Physics, Russian Quantum Center (RCC, Russian Quantum Center, RQC)
Last Release Date: 2024/09/26
Branches: Electrical and Microelectronics
Technology: Supercomputer

The main articles are:

2024: Building a 50-qubit ion quantum computer

Russian scientists, with the support of Rosatom, have created a 50-qubit ion quantum computer. Rosatom announced this on September 26, 2024.

The work was carried out by a scientific group of the Russian Quantum Center and the Lebedev Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN).

Rosatom carries out organizational management of the Russian quantum project and, in parity with the state, contributes its own extrabudgetary funds to achieve the indicators of the roadmap: the total amount of funding for 2020-2024 amounted to 24 billion rubles, of which 12 billion was invested by Rosatom. Expert support for the implementation of the roadmap is provided by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The development of high-performance Russian quantum computers with the coordination of Rosatom will be continued within the framework of the federal project "Development of promising technologies" of the national program "Economics data." At the same time, attention will be paid to both the development of the characteristics of quantum computers and the creation of conditions for their practical application to economy in the social sphere.

Access to the computer is carried out through a cloud platform, with which basic quantum algorithms can be launched.

The created quantum computer is based on kudit technology.

For the first time, a Russian quantum computer was presented to the President of Russia in July 2023. It was a 16 qubit computer on ions. Already at the second FBT in February 2023, a 20-qubit machine was demonstrated. In less than a year, scientists have increased the number of qubits more than twice - to 50. According to the roadmap, this figure should be achieved by the end of 2024.

One of the priority areas for the use of quantum computing in the future will be pharmaceuticals and medicine in general: it will be possible to model complex molecules when creating new drugs, and personalized medical technologies will be developed that allow the doctor to develop personal recommendations for the treatment of a person as soon as possible, taking into account specific factors of his disease and characteristics of the body. Also, quantum computing will be used to predict new epidemics.

Experts note that fundamentally new possibilities for modeling molecules and chemical processes that will appear using a quantum computer will give impetus to the development of a number of industries related to chemical science. And in the IT field, the integration of quantum computing into industrial software will allow engineers to create more advanced technologies, for example, in shipbuilding and the aircraft industry.

An important area of ​ ​ application of "quanta" - transport and. logistics Drawing up optimal routes and traffic schedules transport will solve traffic jams, and spontaneously arising restrictions, for example, due to accidents, will be taken into account in real time. This will reduce delays in public transport and allow motorists to spend less time on the road. In logistics, the use of quantum computing will facilitate, potentially reduce the cost and speed up the delivery of goods along various routes.

In the financial sector, quantum computing is necessary to minimize risks and better assess the creditworthiness of an organization or person. And in production, they will help, for example, to draw up the optimal plan for fulfilling orders or ensure the organization of labor.

Quantum technologies will bring to a fundamentally new level the possibility of artificial intelligence - they will strengthen AI in terms of accelerating machine learning, recognizing and analyzing images, speech and text, processing big data, etc. In addition, quantum computers will be able to solve the same problems more efficiently, faster, with less energy consumption.

In matters personal data protection state of security, quantum-resistant technologies are needed, in information protection particular, post-quantum. enciphering They will ensure a completely confidential exchange of data, because interception attempts will be immediately detected by communication participants.

According to experts, the development of the Russian quantum project will lead to the emergence of new technological directions in the country - just as the Russian atomic project created a number of scientific and technical schools and outlined the development of research areas.