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Astra Group and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region signed a cooperation agreement

Customers: Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region

Blagoveshchensk; State and social structures

Product: Astra Linux Special Edition

Project date: 2024/09

2024: Agreement for Teacher Training

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region and Astra Group will jointly develop domestic information technologies in the region. Astra Group announced this on September 27, 2024.

The parties plan to work together with schools and prepare all teachers in the region for interaction with Russian IT products. This is the study of the e-course on OCAstra Linux for users, and webinars. In addition, there is a separate more in-depth training for computer science teachers. Also from the "Astra Group" for those wishing to take courses on the administration of Astra Linux OS. The developer plans to take part in key thematic events in the region and send his experts to them to speak and exchange experience.

When implementing the federal projects "Digital educational Environment," "Modern School," national project "Education" we will supply only modern domestic equipment from 2021. This is laptops Aquarius Rikor with pre-installed, 98% domestic software of it is the Astra Linux operating system. Within the framework of the signed agreement, together with the Astra Group, we will organize training for school teachers to work with the Astra Linux OS as part of the educational process and methodological support based on the IT city's club. Blagoveshchensk The technological sovereignty of our country begins with the school bench. Therefore, we set a goal - to acquaint schoolchildren with domestic operating systems and equipment, so that in the future, having come to work/enterprise, they already have the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, - said Svetlana Yakovleva, Deputy Prime Minister of the Amur Region - Minister of Education and Science of the region.

Industry and Energy The Amur Region needs highly professional personnel who can work on domestic IT and are well acquainted with Russian solutions. You need to understand that simply transferring the infrastructure of enterprises and government agencies to Russian solutions is only part of the strategic task. To make the system work, specialists who are able to professionally maintain it are important. And in this case, the importance of the development of educational direction and training is difficult to overestimate. Colleagues from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region understand this well. Together, in cooperation, we will be able to comprehensively and effectively solve this important problem in the region, - said Roman Borisov, Director of the Department of Development and Sales in Education of Astra Group.