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Polyana has implemented the Russian Quality Check solution to automate quality control

Customers: Glade

Moscow; Food industry

Contractors: Quality Start
Product: Quality Check Quality Control System for Food Businesses

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: Quality Check Pilot Implementation

Polyana has implemented the Russian Quality Check solution to automate quality control. Quality Start announced this on October 1, 2024.

The system simplified control procedures at the food enterprise and helped successfully pass an unscheduled inspection of Rospotrebnadzor. At the end of the check, the management of Polyana decided to deploy the system for all production, which takes about 12 thousand m2.

Quality and safety control at the food enterprise is a routine resource-intensive task associated with constant monitoring of numerous parameters, from the temperature and humidity of the air in the workshop to the dates of production of raw materials. With the traditional control system, food production specialists regularly fill out a large number of documents on paper, which confirm the progress of the technological process of manufacturing products. So, earlier, Polyana employees had to keep more than 250 paper journals at once.

In view of the aggravated risks for food producers, we decided to strengthen the existing control system using automation tools, "said Anton Zhulev, General Director of Polyana. - Thus, it was planned to create stable control procedures that are not tied to the schedule of external inspections of production, as well as to completely get away from paper documentation, reduce the time for searching for information and the time for responding to violations of regulations.

To do this, the company chose the domestic Quality Check platform from the Russian developer Start Quality and conducted a pilot implementation project at one of the production sites. Numerous journals, checklists and other documents were digitized, control logs began to be filled out in electronic format. Production employees got access to the magazine through personal mobile devices provided by the company. The quality director of Polyana has the opportunity to create documents in the required format and generate QR codes for line employees. The built-in Quality Check translator into Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Tajik languages ​ ​ has found use. Another important function of the program for the company was the ability to track the compliance of the indicators entered in the checklists with the target and, if rejected, promptly send push notifications to the responsible employees.

With the help of Quality Check, we closed several tasks: we increased the efficiency of access to documents, simplified the work of our employees, optimized the procedure for controlling the production process, solved many problems with the storage, protection and archiving of documents, - said Anton Zhulev. - The decision played an important role during an unscheduled inspection of Rospotrebnadzor. We were able to promptly provide comprehensive data that proved that the enterprise was not involved in the botulism incident that happened in the summer of 2024. Effective quality and safety management is not just a matter of reducing costs and risks, but also a condition for the actual existence of a food enterprise. In this situation, automation is the only correct vector of development.

The deployment of Quality Check throughout the production of Polyana is planned to be carried out by the end of 2024.