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Softline helped open a cyber training center at KSTU

Customers: Kaliningrad State Technical University

Product: Perspective Monitoring: Ampire Cyberpolygon

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: Ampire Cyber Learning Center Organization

Softline Group of Companies (PJSC Softline) together with Promising Monitoring JSC organized the work of the Ampire Cyber ​ ​ Training Center for Kaliningrad State Technical University (KSTU). As part of the project, the Softline team supplied the Ampire simulator for professional training in methods of detecting, analyzing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks. The first Cyber ​ ​ Training Center in Kaliningrad began its work on October 4, 2024. Experts of Softline Group of Companies and the vendor took part in the grand opening of the center.

KSTU seeks to constantly improve its professional training programs, so it began to consider various solutions for modernizing the training process for IT and information security specialists at the Institute of Digital Technologies, working on the basis of the university. To solve this problem, the university turned to the Softline team. After demonstrating the products of the Promising Monitoring company, it was decided to build a Cyber ​ ​ Training Center on the basis of the Ampire simulator, which allows training in the detection, analysis and elimination of the consequences of computer attacks. The on-premium solution fully met the KSTU requirements for functionality and made it possible to organize practical training for students in the field of information security.

Softline specialists also took part in the design of the Center's laboratory, where classes will be held for students of the Information Security Department of the Institute of Digital Technologies of KSTU. The vendor's experts conducted a course on simulator development for the teachers of the department, which will allow starting classes at the Cyber ​ ​ Training Center from the beginning of the school year.

On the basis of the first Kaliningrad in the Center for Cyber ​ ​ Training, it is planned to conduct training on advanced training and retraining programs, to increase the expertise of information security specialists of various companies. In addition, the KSTU plans to use the Cyber ​ ​ Training Center for training subjects. CUES

With the help of the Ampire simulator, KSTU will be able to take the training process for future information security specialists to a new level. Our client received a solution that, among other things, meets the requirements of the university for the use of the product in its own network infrastructure. Thanks to the functionality of the simulator, the university will be able to use the solution in several directions - both in teaching its students and preparing their thesis, and in conducting cyber exercises for various organizations. Cyber ​ ​ polygon classes will help future IT specialists, in addition to mastering a number of practical competencies, to hone teamwork skills. And the high frequency of updating attack scenarios embedded in the simulator will provide students with knowledge of current techniques and tactics of attackers used in real attacks on organizations. Thus, training with the help of advanced educational tools will allow graduates of the Institute of Digital Technologies of KSTU to feel confident in finding a job and increase their competitiveness in the labor market, "said Kirill Likhachev, head of Softline Group of Companies.

The first Cyber ​ ​ Learning Center in the region has opened on the basis of our university, which will use innovative educational technologies and teaching methods. Thank you to Softline Group of companies for your help in selecting and supplying the Ampire training simulator. Students of our Institute of Digital Technologies, studying at the Center for Cyber ​ ​ Learning, will learn to investigate information security incidents, identify, eliminate and prevent computer attacks. Teachers will be able to improve their qualifications by working on an advanced solution. At the same time, a high level of automation of templates and scenarios will provide all participants in the educational process with comfortable and interesting work. All this will significantly increase the level of training of our graduates, - commented Vladimir Alekseevich Volkogon, rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kaliningrad State Technical University," Ph.D., associate professor.